
Celebrate LEVELZ’ 3rd Birthday by Looking At Their Embarrassing Baby Photos

If there’s one thing our mum’s love doing—every time we pop home to get some washing done, every birthday, every Christmas—it’s cracking out the baby photos. Seriously, they can’t resist, especially when we’re visiting with a new girlfriend, or we have a crew of mates with us; then she really relishes the opportunity to get the shoeboxes worth of prints down from the loft, only to spend the next 20 minutes looking for the one of us naked as the day we were born, attempting to clean the dining room table with a feather duster. Well, call us hypocrites, but we’re about to do the same to LEVELZ.

2016 has been a huge year for the Manchester collective, and this December they’re celebrating their third anniversary with a massive Warehouse Project party. We’re guessing this will be a little different to your third birthday—the one where your dad’s mate Graham dressed up as a clown, but he’d been drinking all morning (you could smell it on his breath) and it all ended in tears. No, LEVELZ have got a party to remember planned, with a lineup bursting with their entire crew, and some special guests in the shape of Zed Bias, the Critical Sound crew and Dub Smugglers.

Videos by VICE

Which brings us back to those baby photos. In order to mark the occasion, we harassed and harangued Rich Reason into collating a bundle of cuter-than-cute baby photos of the whole squad. Warning: the follow scenes feature chubby cheeks and adorable dinosaur costumes.

Rich Reason

“Wish I still had that suit & tie combo…” – Rich Reason




Truthos Mufasa

“Enter the dragon. The demon is born.” – Truthos Mufasa



Dub Phizix

Jonny Dub


“Look at this guy!” – Chunky




“Man was a beautiful chubby baby, then grew into a lanky teenager, then back into a beautiful chubby baby.” – Chimpo

Black Josh

LEVELZ Warehouse Project is on the 15th of December. Find out more here.