
Work Your Core With Enderie’s Crushing Techno

As I was cutting through the park on my home from work the other night, Enderie’s “Trial With Extended Precarity [One For The Kids]” cued on my phone. It played while I was passing a group training session and the sight of half a dozen middle class white people in sportswear, boxing furiously while Andrew McLellan’s throbbing techno belted though my headphones made me smile.

McLellan, is a Brisbane musician known for his long running project Cured Pink, where he would combine rhythm and repetition with volume and almost performance art delivery. With Enderie, he channels his inner doof. It’s no less intense.

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“Trial With Extended Precarity [One For The Kids]” is taken from the Enderie 2 cassette that will be out soon on Paradise Daily Records.

‘Enderie 2’ will be out soon on Paradise Daily Records.

Image: Paradise Daily