
Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Aquarius!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

Exciting achievements are taking place at this time, dear Aquarius! You’re an incredibly determined and focused person, and you bring innovation to any field you choose. As the sun moves through Scorpio and illuminates the sector of your chart that rules your career and reputation, you may be enjoying the spotlight and receiving recognition for your hard work. 

Exciting conversations about travel or education take place on November 1 as Mercury in Libra mingles with Jupiter, which is currently in your sign, Aquarius. You may be publishing something or simply sharing inspiring news. The mood is open-minded and optimistic, and you can find yourself thinking back to conversations that took place on September 20 and October 3. A much more intense energy flows around communication on November 2 as Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn. Secrets are revealed. Intriguing information comes to light, making it a powerful time for research. Again, you are thinking back to conversations that took place on September 22 and October 1. This is a powerful moment to connect with your intuition and explore your subconscious, to journal about your dreams or have deep conversations about topics you might now usually discuss. 


The new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 4, also finding the sun opposite Uranus in Taurus. An exciting new journey begins in your career, but your focus is also on big changes taking place at home. As your foundations shift, so will your goals. A new arrangement in your work-life balance may be experimented with at this time.

You’re feeling especially private about your love life as Venus enters Capricorn, and conversations about your career ramp up as Mercury enters Scorpio, all on November 5. It’s a busy time in your social life, especially as Mercury and Venus connect on November 6—but with Venus in Capricorn, you might be especially discreet about things like love and money, preferring to partner with people who can keep things low profile.

A pleasant conversation, helping hand, or fun interaction arrives as Venus mingles with Mercury. It’s a great time to discuss your desires! You’re especially straightforward as Mercury and Mars meet in Scorpio on November 10, though you may feel impatient or even a bit confrontational. It’s important that you think strategically and try to be patient as Mercury and Mars square off with taskmaster Saturn, which is currently in your sign, Aquarius. Be responsible and measured. Instant gratification is rare when Saturn’s in the mix, so stay focused on long-term goals and outcomes.

A much more easy, free-flowing energy arrives on November 12 as the sun makes a harmonious connection with Neptune in Pisces. The mood is creative, and it bodes especially well for your career and material success. A dream may be coming true when it comes to your income, career, reputation, or sense of security. Unexpected news arrives as Mercury opposes Uranus on November 13, and new opportunities open up as the sun squares off with lucky Jupiter on November 15. Powerful people are in need of help as the sun mingles with Pluto on November 16, and an abrupt ending may take place as Mars opposes Uranus on November 17. Mercury’s connection with Neptune on November 18, brings a sympathetic atmosphere and helps smooth things over. You find a creative solution to a tricky problem in your work or finances.


A lunar eclipse in Taurus takes place on November 19, and Venus also connects with with Uranus. Eclipses often have a fated energy to them, so you might feel like some destined occurrences are taking place, especially in your home and family life. Something about your ancestry or history may come to light. A confrontation with a family member or roommate might come to a head, and an important compromise can be reached. You may be moving at this time, and your change of location can have an important impact on your future. Venus’s connection with your ruling planet Uranus inspires fun and novelty, and it’s a great time to experiment with new ways to experience pleasure. An emotional connection may unexpectedly spark or be reignited at this time.

Mercury squares off with Jupiter on November 20, bringing exciting conversations about your career. The mood is open-minded and conducive to brainstorming! Jupiter is the planet of growth, but it can also be the planet of exaggerations—enjoy the inspiring energy, but don’t place any bets just yet. A more focused energy flows around communication and information sharing the following day, November 21, as Mercury connects with incisive Pluto. While Jupiter doesn’t mind bloviating, Pluto is no B.S., so you’ll likely end the month with some big, inspiring ideas—and a strong instinct about what’s actually worth your time. 

Sagittarius season begins on November 21, finding the sun illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your social life, and your hopes and dreams for the future! This is a great time to connect with people who share your hobbies and passions, and to get involved with communities that are working on causes you care deeply about. Communication planet Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24, helping you to share ideas and network, and an important meeting or helpful realization may take place as the sun and Mercury meet on November 28.

The energy is productive as Mars mingles with Neptune on November 29, and an exciting gift or reward might arrive! You’re reflecting on your life’s purpose and thinking about how you can give back to your community. November 30 finds Mercury connecting with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and the sun with Saturn. Mercury and the sun’s connection with Saturn is great for long-term planning, discussing commitments, and creating support systems, while Venus’s connection with Neptune inspires sweetness and a sense of whimsy. 

Good luck this month, Aquarius, and see you in December!