
Monthly Horoscope: Leo, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Leo!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in Scorpio lights up a highly personal and private sector of your chart, dear Leo. While you usually love being the center of attention, right now you’re seeking comfort away from bright lights, getting cozy at home and focusing on your family life. Themes like privacy and security are at the front of your mind, and you might be in a nostalgic mood, thinking about your early childhood home and where you come from. 


The more recent past is also on your mind: You’re thinking back to September 20 and October 3 as Mercury connects with Jupiter in Aquarius on November 1, and back to September 22 and October 1 as Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn on November 2. Conversations and plans that were delayed or revised during last month’s Mercury retrograde are finally moving forward as Mercury contacts Jupiter and Pluto. Mercury and Jupiter’s connection inspires optimism and generosity, and Mercury and Pluto’s connection finds you getting to the bottom of an intriguing mystery. This is a busy time for communication.

A fresh start at home arrives with the new moon in Scorpio on November 4. You may be moving, renovating, or simply redecorating, and it’s a lovely time to energetically cleanse your space. You may reconnect with a loved one, too. New moons symbolize new beginnings, and you’re ready to start fresh with your home, family, and personal life. Also on this day, the sun opposes Uranus, bringing some surprises or finding you making an abrupt change. An exciting upgrade of some kind may be taking place, or you might be freeing yourself from a situation that no longer works for you.

Venus enters Capricorn on November 5, inspiring you to update your beauty routine and edit your wardrobe. In your love life, Venus in Capricorn helps you get clear about what you expect from your partners in terms of managing your schedules and spending time with each other, and you’re thinking about what sort of support you need and are willing to give. Venus in Capricorn finds you especially appreciative of the people who help you out when you’re overwhelmed with your to-do list! Also on November 5, communication planet Mercury enters Scorpio, helping you take care of paperwork regarding your home and personal life. The mood is helpful and friendly on November 6 as Mercury connects with Venus.


Productive energy flows at home as Mercury meets Mars in Scorpio on November 10—but also on this day Mercury and Mars square off with Saturn in Aquarius, which could find you confronting obstacles in your relationships. Be patient, and focus on long-term goals and plans instead of quick fixes. A smoother energy flows on November 12 as the sun mingles with Neptune in Pisces, and people are more flexible at this time. Unexpected news arrives as Mercury opposes Uranus on November 13, and egos clash as the sun and Jupiter square off on November 15. Thankfully, the sun connects with Pluto on November 16, helping you connect with some highly influential or powerful people. Patience might be short on November 17 as Mars opposes Uranus, but an easier energy flows as Mercury mingles with Neptune on November 18, bringing an atmosphere of understanding and creative problem solving.

The lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on November 19, activating the sector of your chart that rules your career and marking an important moment for your life in the public eye. A big goal may be achieved! Eclipses have a fated feeling about them, and you might feel like what’s taking place is “meant to be.” You could be receiving recognition for your hard work or transforming your reputation in some way. Eclipses are also highly emotional times, so you may be feeling especially sensitive. Make time to slow down and rest during this busy time. Important information can come to light, which may have a big impact on the decisions you make in your professional goals. Venus connects with Uranus on this day, bringing some unexpected rewards your way.

Big conversations about partnership take place on November 20: The mood is exciting, but do watch out for exaggerations. There’s an over-the-top energy, though you’re spotting what’s B.S. and what’s valuable information as Mercury mingles with Pluto on November 21. This is a great time to reorganize yourself and get real about how which projects you want take on. Also on November 21, the sun enters fellow fire sign Sagittarius, inspiring creativity and romance! It’s a lovely time to celebrate life, so enjoy yourself, dear Leo! You’re connecting with a new crush or reigniting the flame in an already established relationship. Good news and party invitations arrive as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24. Mercury meets the sun on November 28, bringing a fun and flirtatious energy, and helping you have an epiphany about what truly brings you joy. Don’t deprive yourself of what makes your heart sing, little lion!

Mars and Neptune make a harmonious connection on November 29, bringing creative inspiration. It’s a powerful time to process your emotions, connect with your inner voice, and lean into your spiritual practice. Make time to energetically cleanse your home, and donate items you no longer need. Mercury connects with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and the sun with Saturn, all on November 30, creating a supportive atmosphere. Mercury and the sun’s connection with Saturn finds you and your partners discussing plans and commitments, and Venus and Neptune’s connection encourages a sweet, helpful atmosphere.

Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in December!