This story is over 5 years old.


The CEO of ‘WeWork’ Has Banned Meat From All Office Events

Sites in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane will be affected.
Images via wikimedia and Flickr user Phillip Pessar

WeWork operates communal office spaces. The US$20 billion company subdivides large warehouses into cool work buildings with lots of exposed brick, and then rents them out to startups. It’s all very 2018-style corporate idealism, which explains why the CEO now wants WeWork employees to quit meat.

In a Friday email to the company’s 600 international employees, founder and CEO Miguel McKelvey, explained they’d no longer reimburse reimburse staff meals that included meat products. Furthermore, beef and chicken would no longer get served at company events.

“New research indicates that avoiding meat is one of the biggest things an individual can do to reduce their personal environmental impact, even more than switching to a hybrid car,” McKelvey wrote in a statement.

He want on to explain that by 2023, the new policy will have saved will save about 201 million kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions and 15,507,103 animals.

In Australia, WeWork operates 11 properties across Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. All employees at these sites will be affected, starting this week.