This story is over 5 years old.


Hot Links: China's First Female Taikonaut, Google Fights Terrorism, 'Active Defense' Against Hacking

Welcome back to Hot Links, Motherboard's weekly roundup of some of the coolest stories you missed from the weekend.
AFP / Getty

Welcome back to Hot Links, Motherboard’s weekly roundup of some of the coolest stories you missed from the weekend.

Cheers to China for sending its first female taikonaut into space aboard Shenzhou-9.

Google has revealed that is has removed around 640 videos from Youtube that apparently were designed to incite terrorism. Is this censorship or just good practice?

Companies frustrated by hacking attacks are now fighting back. Perhaps the Internet is still a Wild West after all, but are these types of “active defense” maneuvers legal?


USA! USA! USA! The U.S. has reclaimed the worldwide supercomputing crown.

Dumb: Adidas is now making shackle shoes that people are (rightly) getting pissed about because of both the slave and prisoner connection. Talib Kweli, for one, is pissed.

A Pakistani Taliban leader has ruled polio vaccinations to be illegal in retaliation for CIA drone strikes. 160,000 children will now miss out.

As the world’s regulators continue to squabble about how to fix banking, what are the bankers up to?

The inestimable Jay Smooth takes on “sexist gamer dudes” in this video.

The Israeli army has authorized dogs as non-lethal weapons. Lethal or not, attack dogs are scary as hell.

And just when you though ruin porn was dead, Mother Jones publishes a photo essay of abandoned houses in a shrinking Detroit.

A column in Harvard Business Review traces why newspapers were always doomed. Yes, it’s no surprise that papers didn’t understand how to monetize their content online, but author Justin Fox does a good job of tracing the roots of the problem.

Apparently Steve Jobs helped Google Plus. I still think G+ is stupid.

Charge while you walk! Piezoelectric motors produce energy from the motion of your knee joints. I’ll never have battery anxiety again!

Follow Derek Mead on Twitter: @derektmead.