
Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Sagittarius!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in brooding water sign Scorpio is a sensitive time of year for you, Sagittarius: Make time to rest, explore your emotions, take a break from work, and let your mind wander.

Psychic Scorpio’s season is a fantastic time to connect with your intuition and explore your spirituality. You might decide to start keeping a dream journal, as your dreams are especially active at this time. It’s a powerful moment for inner work and releasing the past, and insightful realizations can be made if you’re exploring your subconscious and doing work in therapy.


You’re thinking back to September 20 and October 3 as Mercury in Libra mingles with Jupiter in Aquarius on November 1, and back to September 22 and October 1 as Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn on November 2. Mercury’s connection with Jupiter expands your social circle, and important conversations about money are had as Mercury clashes with Pluto. After last month’s retrograde, you’re finally ready to move forward with your plans, projects, and conversations after plenty of reconsideration!

November 4 brings the new moon in Scorpio, and the sun opposes Uranus in Taurus. The best way to work with the energy of this new moon is to rest, dear Sagittarius. Make time to reconnect with your inner voice through journaling or meditation. Don’t overbook yourself: Some unexpected invitations or projects may pop up as the sun opposes Uranus. Feeling unrestricted by expectations and deadlines is especially important to you at this time, so set boundaries around how much time and energy you have to spare.

Venus enters Capricorn on November 5, which will be spectacular for your finances; you could be receiving a raise or selling something of high value. In your romantic relationships, Venus in Capricorn finds you especially delighted by partners who bring you gifts or pick up the check, and you’re appreciative of partners who are conscientious about the role money plays in relationships.


Also on November 5, Mercury enters Scorpio, putting you in an introspective, reflective mood. Some secrets are shared! Mercury and Venus connect on November 6, creating a sweet, friendly atmosphere, and your brain is busy brewing up all sorts of exciting ideas on November 10 as Mercury meets Mars in Scorpio. You might have a hard time slowing down and resting on this day. But as excited at you may be, you’ll have to navigate some blocks or delays around communication as Mercury and Mars clash with Saturn on this day. The sun makes an easy connection with Neptune in Pisces on November 12, bringing an especially healing and harmonious atmosphere to your home as you work through emotions about the past.

Unexpected news arrives on November 13 as Mercury opposes Uranus. You’re craving a shift in your routine and don’t want to be hindered by rigid plans: Mercury’s opposition to Uranus could find you abruptly dropping a project or simply refusing to be tied down, keeping your schedule as open as possible. The sun squares off with your ruling planet Jupiter on November 15, finding you feeling especially confident and lucky—but the best way to work with this energy isn’t by taking big gambles, but by taking measured action. An exciting conversation takes place at this time, but do be careful about gossip and exaggerations. The sun mingles with Pluto on November 16, bringing some intriguing information your way, especially about power or money.


Mars opposes Uranus on November 17, finding you feeling impatient. Take a break from your usual routine if you can! Watch out for short tempers and arguments at this time; the mood will be much more sympathetic and understanding on November 18 as Mercury connects with Neptune. Unexpected gifts arrive on November 18 as Venus connects wild wildcard Uranus, and this day also brings the lunar eclipse in Taurus, which finds you wrapping up a project or sharing something you’ve been working on. Taurus is an earth sign, and this full moon calls you to reconnect with nature and your body. This is a powerful moment to kick an old habit or rearrange your schedule to better consider your wellbeing. This is a great opportunity to reflect on your work-life balance, and to think about how you can be more organized at work and create space for yourself to truly unplug. There’s often a stark different between an eclipse’s “before” and “after,” so your life can undergo a phenomenal transformation right now!

Mercury clashes with Jupiter on November 20, stirring up a busy atmosphere around communication. Again, try to avoid gossip. Be mindful about the embellishments you add to your stories—they are wild enough, with all the adventures and risks you take! If someone tells you something that sounds too good to be true, trust your intuition. Ultimately, the whole lesson of Scorpio season and Mercury in Scorpio is to trust your gut, and to connect with your inner voice and inner truth. Outside noise is just that: noise, and you might have a lot tune out as Mercury clashes with Jupiter. All sorts of information, announcements, and even secrets are shared. Mercury connects with Pluto on November 21, an excellent time to research and get to the bottom of a situation. 

November 21 is also the start of Sagittarius season: Happy solar return, dear centaur! The sun in your sign inspires celebration, confidence, and a big boost of energy. You’ve been so introspective this Scorpio season, but you’re coming out of your shell now, especially as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24. You’re famous for speaking your mind, Sagittarius, and that’s precisely what you are doing now!

It’s also an exciting time to make introductions, and to communicate with your partners about everything you’ve been mulling over lately. The sun meets Mercury on November 28, bringing you an important realization, and you’re ready to cut ties with the past as Mars connects with Neptune on November 29. The month ends on a busy note as Mercury connects with Saturn, Venus with the sun, and the sun with Saturn, all on November 30. Mercury and Saturn’s connection creates a solid atmosphere to discuss commitments, and there’s an air of appreciation and generosity as Venus mingles with Neptune. The sun and Saturn’s connection finds you deeply reflecting on responsible communication, and bodes well for getting organized and creating a support system. 

Good luck this month, Sagittarius, and see you in December!