
Yoko Ono Has Finally Been Given a Songwriting Credit on “Imagine”

Yesterday (June 14) Yoko Ono attended the annual meeting of the National Music Publishers’ Association with her son Sean. At the meeting Ono was surprised with the announcement that she was to be credited as a co-writer on John Lennon’s most famous song “Imagine.” 40 years after the song’s release. In’t it amazing when women are recognized for their creative work?

It seems like kind of a given that Ono, whose worldview was massively influential on Lennon, definitely had a thing or two to do with “Imagine”‘s inception, so it’s certainly cool that she’s been given her due (with a performance of the song given by Patti Smith, to boot). But on the other hand, it feels like it should probably have come sooner, especially since part of the evidence for her being credited on the track came from video footage of Lennon discussing her involvement in the song, according to the BBC.

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Lennon, in the clip, is quoted as saying: “A lot of it [“Imagine”]—the lyric and the concept—came from Yoko […] But those days I was a bit more selfish, a bit more macho, and I sort of omitted to mention her contribution. But it was right out of Grapefruit, her book. There’s a whole pile of pieces about ‘Imagine this’ and ‘Imagine that.’”

Seems like even if you’re Yoko Ono and your husband is lauded creative genius John Lennon, he’ll still steal your ideas and pass them off as his own! And even though he literally said that’s what he did, nobody will notice and you will have to wait four decades for the proper credit! I, for one, love to be a woman.

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(Image via Wikimedia Commons)