
You Can Now Rent O.J. Simpson’s White Bronco for Your Party

Throwing an “art party”? Looking for a real challenging, jaw-dropper installation to greet your hordes of relevant guests? Yeah? Why not rent the tragic sport-utility vehicle from the slowest, most anticlimactic celebrity car chase in history?

Yes, that tragic SUV. Apparently the infamous white Ford Bronco of O.J. Simpson’s 1994 Los Angeles-freeway-chase fame—arguably one of the first viral videos—is available for party rentals. 

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Newspaper tycoon Peter Brant and artist Nate Lowman, whose show “I Wanted to Be an Artist But All I Got Was This Lousy Show” opened at Brant’s Greenwich, Connecticut, gallery over the weekend, just rented it. Lowman is going through a “tragic blonde” phase, according to Forbes —his show features “tabloid crime-scene photos and shots” of Tanya Harding and seemingly hammered Jenna Bush. And seeing as Lowman has routinely shown topless photos of O.J.’s murdered wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, in his work since the early 2000s, apparently it made sense to feature the Bronco as a sort of set piece for the opening-night event. Classy.

It’s actually unclear who even owns the ride. It was purchased by Michael Pulwer for $75,000, about double its face value, in 2004. So if you’re in the market, maybe try and track him down.

Also, fuck art?

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Reach Brian at @thebanderson