You Should Have Received Your Postal Survey By Now

Yesterday, November 25, was the deadline for the Marriage Equality Postal Survey to arrive in Australian mailboxes. If you received yours, great! Fill it out and post it ASAP, because forms received after November 7 won’t be counted. Which means that the envelope needs to be in the mail a few days before that date—Australia Post has 16 million of these things to deliver, after all.

If you haven’t received your form, something has probably gone wrong. Perhaps you didn’t update your address properly, or a ‘No’ campaigner stole the envelopes in your neighbourhood and stockpiled them somewhere, or some ABS algorithm got messed up (remember the census?). If this is the case, don’t panic. You can still vote, but you need to act now.

Videos by VICE

Head to the ABS website and fill out this form as soon as you can—or call the dedicated postal survey helpline between 8 AM and 8 PM local time, seven days a week via 1800 572 113 (+61 2 6252 5262 from overseas)—and a replacement form will be sent to your residence.

Any other dilemmas? Our postal survey FAQ explains how to vote on someone else’s behalf, and more.

WATCH: Meet Lizzy Rose, Australia’s suburban exorcist mum