Young Australians Talk Climate Change, Immigration, Indigenous Affairs and More

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This weekend, the Australian public at large will head to the polls and cast their vote on who should lead the country for the next three years. The incumbent Liberal-National coalition is pitted against a Labor opposition—Scott Morrison versus Bill Shorten—and in a few days’ time the dust will have finally settled on the 2019 federal election stoush.

We’ve heard a lot of talk from the usual suspects about money, coal, and whether or not LGBTQ people are going to hell. We’ve heard significantly less from the common voters themselves—least of all young voters. With that in mind, VICE assembled a diverse group of people from all sides of the political spectrum to debate some of the most pressing issues currently facing the nation and its 24.6 million inhabitants.

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We talked climate, immigration, drugs, health, Indigenous affairs, wealth, and class, in the hope of gaining a nuanced perspective on how people from around the country feel about Australia today. Moderated by VICE Australia’s Staff Writer Gavin Butler, the panel included students, nurses, human rights campaigners, and Indigenous Australian youth advocates, among others, in an open, thoughtful discussion around where we currently stand as a nation—and, perhaps more importantly, where we ought to go from here.

For more election content, head to VICE Votes.