
PREMIERE: Get Jacked with Young Guv’s New Video for “Crushing Sensation”

Waking up and having to look at your own gross, disgusting face is the worst thing in the world. Dreams are dope as heck, so why would you ever want to suffer through this painful existence? But when you’re done being all sad about getting up and living, you can find fun in the goofiest of things, like Young Guv did. Young Guv is the new cool-guy rock and roll project by Fucked Up’s Ben Cook. Young Guv makes music that sounds like beach music made for sycophants. In the video for “Crushing Sensation,” we follow Ben around his neighborhood (presumably) as he finds pleasure in the strangest of places. Lifting icy barbells, staring at giant-ass cranes, and doing rap squats in the snow are just a few of these acts of soul-searching. It’s all inspired by his desire to make his body as cool and powerful as the soccer players he sees on TV. Exercise will save the world, and so will Young Guv.

Watch the video below, and make sure your calandar reads “Ripe 4 Love comes out 2day” on March 10.

Videos by VICE

John Hill is gonna livetweet doing snow pushups at @JohnXHill.