
Even Drugs Can’t Top Amsterdam on Fractals

Photogrammetry is the art and science of combining multiple photographs to create digital 3D models of landscapes and objects. Though fractal short film director Julius Horsthuis’ work typically involves the fantastical and surreal, using photogrammetry for a project seems an obvious fit, particularly because his CG animations feature heavily 3D worlds.

In his latest work, Fractal Nature, Horsthuis combines his usual fractal visuals with a photogrammetric capture of Amsterdam. The results are oddly familiar looking yet incredibly alien, as if the viewer were seeing the city of Amsterdam through multiple higher dimensions.

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“With Fractal Nature I try to visualize the chaotic nature of reality,” Horsthuis explains. “My everyday reality is the city of Amsterdam, which I captured using photogrammetry. I combined the result with the fractal formulas of Mandelbulb3D, trying to find a balance between recognition and chaos.”

Horsthuis undoubtedly finds that balance, but he also inadvertently offers up a futurist vision of how cities of the future could look. Modular and physics-defying, the video suggests a strange architecture for a post-human future. Check out Fractal Nature below: 

Click here to see more work by Julius Horsthuis.


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