
Arsenal F.C. Pranks Entire World, Warns World of Impending Prank

Today, April first, is a special day. People wake up around the world, rub their eyes, and approach the morning warily, as they do on any other day. Shower, head to the office, check email. Then something strange happens. They put sugar in their coffee, say, only to realize, after taking a sip, that it was salt. There’s that moment of what the…? You know what I’m talking about. Then snickering colleagues say, haha, we pranked you! April fools. That’s how it works: First the prank, then the laughter and humiliation. It’s not all that great, but it’s not difficult, either.

Arsenal Football Club, as it often seems to do, took a simple concept and screwed it up. The club produced what would have been a superb April Fool’s prank about a brand new “left-footed ball.” The production values are excellent. It has Star Power. Imagine all those gullible Gunners tweeting about how innovative their team is before deleting those tweets in embarrassment. Sadly, we will never get to enjoy such a senario. Arsenal titled its prank, APRIL FOOLS’ DAY PRANK.

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[H/T Bleacher Report]

Update: Prior to uploading the video to YouTube, Arsenal apparently ran the video on Facebook without acknowledging the prank in the title. Joke’s on us?