Less than half of Canadians are fond of their southern neighbours.
A survey, released by Environics Institute and first reported on by the Globe and Mail, indicates that 44 percent of Canadians view Americans favourably. This is a sharp decline since when it was asked in 2012, at that time the number sat at 70 percent.
“Fewer than half now hold a very (9 percent) or somewhat (35 percent) favourable overall opinion of the USA, down substantially since fall 2012, during the lead up to Barack Obama’s reelection victory (when 68 percent held a positive opinion,)” reads the report.
“This represents the lowest favourable rating of the USA since Focus Canada began measuring it in 1982.”
In their write up, Environics Institute say they conducted the study out of curiosity in regards to whether the anti-immigration sentiment that has taken ahold of the United States has worked its way north. To figure this out the polling company put the question to 2,000 Canadians through telephone interviews.
And goddamn, have there ever been some changes.
In their writeup, Environics states that, surprise of all surprises, the change was prompted by the election of Donald Trump.
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The decline stretches across the entirety of the country but is the most prominent among eastern Canadians, and women. A positive view of America remained a tad over 50% in the Prairie provinces and among men. Women’s approval rating of the US has dropped by a whopping 32 percent points since 2012.
In terms of travel to the United States, 18 percent of those surveyed said they would be changing their plans and 9 percent are “thinking about it.” Apart from Canadians starting to sour on their southern neighbours, the survey also looked the feelings that Canucks hold in regards to immigration which has in some ways improved.
“Canadians’ opinions about immigration remain as positive, if not more so, than
last measured in October 2016,” reads the study. “Most continue to disagree that the country is taking in too many immigrants, and there remains a broad consensus that immigration benefits the economy.”
In the meantime, Canadians will continue to consume American culture, eat American fast food and feel superior.
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