This story is over 5 years old.


This Guy Is Chilling in a Vault with $315 Billion of Gold

Somewhere in Britain lies thousands of tons of the glittery yellow stuff, just sitting there.

The man above is Martyn Poliakoff, a British chemist with hair wacky enough for Google to auto-add it into searches. He's the host of a quirky science video series (naturally) called Periodic Table of Videos (again, naturally), and in this episode he's chilling in a British vault. With $315 billion of gold.

What struck me upon first watching the video (thanks Reddit) is that the vault isn't nearly as awesome and high-tech as Fort Knox is portrayed in Goldfinger. I mean, yeah, I know that movies ≠ real life, but come on. All that gold is chilling on bootsy racks like those used to store sample specimens of animals in formaldehyde in the basement of a museum.

But why am I worrying about shelving systems when there's all that got-dang gold? According to the Daily Mail, the vault in question holds about 4,600 tons of gold. Apparently some of it is owned by foreign countries, who were happy to let their gold be stored under the watchful eyes of the Queen's corgis.

It's hidden somewhere in the UK, and is built out of an ex-World War II bomb shelter because it has to be legitimately bombproof. Oh, and the keys to unlock the damn thing are three feet long. I suppose the doors must be really thick, but you could also use something other than a giant damn key to open the thing. I mean, with that much gold, do you really need to compensate?

Follow Derek Mead on Twitter: @derektmead