This story is over 5 years old.


Pit-crew chief takes on race car, emerges victorious

Pit-crew chief Todd Phillips escaped this terrifying collision with only a few stitches.

Pit-crew chief Todd Phillips showed that a racing car is no match for the human body last weekend by escaping this collision pretty much unharmed.

Phillips - who leads the line for IndyCar team Dale Coyne Racing - is already cheerfully sharing the video of his escape online. "I can't tell you how lucky I am to walk away with only 6 stitches!" he posted on Facebook.

The collision happened during Sunday's rain-hit IndyCar race in New Orleans. Italian driver Francesco Draccone lost control in the pits (which is something in itself, even in the wet) and took Phillips out in a big way. Yet somehow, man emerged victorious over machine. Take that, technology.