
Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Cancer!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in fellow water sign Scorpio illuminates a highly romantic sector of your chart, making it a wonderful time to ignite (or re-ignite) the flame with someone special! Scorpio has a sexy reputation and this is a passionate moment for you. Not only are you feeling flirtatious, you’re also creatively inspired and ready to focus on your artistic pursuits. It’s a great time to simply have fun, so enjoy yourself, dear Cancer!


The start of the month finds you moving forward with conversations—especially about home, family, or your personal life—that were delayed or reworked during last month’s Mercury retrograde. You’re thinking back to September 20 and October 3 on November 1, when Mercury in Libra connects with Jupiter in Aquarius, bringing an open-minded and optimistic atmosphere. This is a lovely time to connect with the people closest to you. You’re also thinking back to September 22 and October 1 on November 2 as Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn. Important conversations with your partners are taking place at this time, and secrets may be shared.

A new romance, or a deepening in an already established romantic connection, can form with the new moon in Scorpio on November 4. An exciting new creative project might also begin at this time! New moons symbolize new beginnings, and an unexpected fresh start takes place as the sun opposes Uranus in Taurus on this day, too. You’re itching to break free from limiting arrangements. You may decide to scrap a project that no longer inspires you, or unexpected drama in your social life could find you saying goodbye to a circle of friends—but an exciting new community may appear. 

Venus enters your opposite sign Capricorn on November 5, bringing blessings to the relationship sector of your chart! If you’re looking for love, you could meet someone especially charming at this time. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll likely learn more about what’s important to your partners. It’s a lovely time to show your partners how much you care! Mercury enters Scorpio on November 5, helping communication along and inspiring deep conversations. Party invitations will likely come your way, too! An especially fun, friendly energy flows on November 6 as chatty Mercury connects with sweet Venus.


November 10 has its ups and downs: An exciting conversations could take place as Mercury meets Mars in Scorpio, or you may be powering ahead on a creative project or connecting with someone special—but Mercury and Mars square off with Saturn in Aquarius, too, which could find you confronting obstacles, especially around money, investment, or value. It may be a matter of having to prove your dedication or leadership skills, or perhaps you need to slow down and take a more measured approach. The atmosphere is much more flexible and imaginative on November 12 as the sun mingles with dreamy Neptune in Pisces, and an exciting opportunity presents itself!

Mercury opposes Uranus on November 13, bringing unexpected news, especially concerning your social life. The sun squares off with Jupiter on November 15, finding you contending with some big egos, and the sun connects with Pluto on November 16, finding you connecting with exciting, influential people! Mars opposes Uranus on November 17, which could stir up some unexpected drama and make people feel short-tempered—but an easier energy flows around communication as Mercury mingles with Neptune on November 16, bringing sympathy and understanding. 

A lunar eclipse in Taurus lands on November 19, and Venus connects with electric Uranus. Big shifts will likely take place in your social life at this time! You may be leaving a friend group as you realize that you no longer share the same values or interests. Your dreams and wishes are front and center, and you want to be surrounded by people who get your passions. Eclipses often have a fated feeling about them, so you might find that you feel destined to say goodbye to one group of friends while connecting with a new community right on time. Venus’s harmonious connection with Uranus finds you making unexpected acquaintances at this time. It’s also an exciting moment to explore your fantasies and experiment with new ideas in your romantic relationships. 

Mercury squares off with Jupiter on November 20, finding you sharing exciting news—but do avoid gossip. Intriguing information comes your way as Mercury connects with Pluto on November 21, and it’s a powerful time for communication in your relationships. Sagittarius season begins on November 21, shifting your focus to your daily routines: You’re eager to get organized at work and in your wellness routine as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24. You may be embarking on a new project, job, gig, or goal as the sun meets Mercury on November 28.

Mars and Neptune make a harmonious connection on November 29 and it’s a wonderful time for an adventure—you’ll be delighted by all the new people you meet and things you discover! This is an exciting, passionate moment in your love life, and a wonderful time to share the creative work you have been focused on. Mars’s helpful connection with dreamy Neptune inspires an energizing yet peaceful atmosphere. Mercury connects with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and the sun with Saturn on November 30: Mercury and the sun’s connection with Saturn brings support, and Venus’s connection with Neptune inspires sweetness, romance, and fantasy. It’s a lovely time to connect with people, dear Cancer.

Good luck this month, Cancer, and see you in December!