
  • What If You Could Detox from Drinking Beer?

    Volcanic rocks, hashish, beard hair, oysters—we’re no longer surprised to find that there’s more to our beers than your regular malt, hops and yeast. But what if you could detox while actually drinking your beer?

  • We Should Be Eating Seaweed by the Bucketload

    So nutrient-dense and sustainable it's almost silly, it's high time we started looking to seaweed as a regular food source beyond spirulina pills and the stuff found in store-bought miso soups.

  • What It’s Like to Run a Coffee Shop During a Water Ban

    Over the weekend, the 500,000 residents of Toledo, Ohio were banned from drinking tap water, which was contaminated by a toxin traced to an algae bloom in Lake Erie. Now, local food purveyors are steeling themselves against future water outbreaks.