
  • Turkey and Greece Are Working Together to Punish Dissidents

    An arrest of suspected terrorists trying to go from Greece to Turkey is giving the Greek cops an excuse to crack down on anarchists, while Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan gets more paranoid about "foreign plotters."

  • The Hangover News

    George Zimmerman was acquitted this weekend, but you were probably too outraged to believe it.

  • Turkey

    Journalist Tim Pool recently joined the VICE editorial staff to cover breaking news, and his first assignment was to fly down to Istanbul and produce a live stream of the...

  • The Battle for the Heart of Istanbul Rages On

    What was set to be a relatively calm weekend in Turkey turned into a sleepless one. The past few days have been filled with death, teargas, and political grandstanding. And the atmosphere on the street and in people's apartments, remains incredibly...

  • The Hangover News

    America announced they were going to arm Syrian rebels, but you were probably too drunk to notice.

  • Turkey's Weekend of Street War, Jubilation, and Bulldozer Joyrides

    Social unrest has gripped the country, from Istanbul to Ankara. VICE currently has a number of reporters and filmmakers in Turkey. We called one of them on Sunday to make sure they hadn't suffocated in tear gas plumes and to get their perspective on...
