
  • Korean Poo Wine

    "Ttongsul" is a Korean rice wine mixed with the fermented turd of a human child. It has an alcoholic content of around 9 percent. A quick "Ttongsul" Google search will provide you with little more than internet-land hearsay and a flimsy Wikipedia page.

  • This Woman Is Telling Lies to Vaginas

    Pam Stenzel's sermons about abstinence are entirely idiotic.

  • Don’t Stick Dominoes in Your Dick

    Some guys in prison like to get together in the bathroom, puncture their penises with a little slice, and then insert an implant. From what I hear, usually they break off a piece of a domino and insert it up under the foreskin area, or sometimes, down...

  • Filipino Blood Stew

    Although I'm a proud half-Filipina, the cuisine has always left me wondering "WTF"?! So to conquer my fears and appease my mother, I decided to tackle some of their weirder dishes.

  • The Smelly, Decaying World of Polly Morgan

    Have you ever stuffed a parrot who died shitting itself? It's not great.

  • Sardinian Cheese

    You don't know from cheese until you get on a plane, fly over to Sardinia, and eat this su gallu stuff. So what if it's illegal? Honestly, who the fuck are you, Mr. European-Union-World-Police-Guy, to tell me what I can or can't eat?