
  • The VICE Guide to Vienna 2014

    Most of you think that Vienna is for old people, because we invented Mozart instead of hip-hop. Well, according to my mother Mozart's better, and Vienna is a great party town, so you should come and hang out.

  • Posters of Hitler and Swastika T-shirts Are All the Rage in Indonesia

    Tourist stalls all over the country sell posters of Adolf Hitler, neatly displayed in between images of Kurt Cobain and European soccer teams. The swastika is also everywhere: on walls, cups, ashtrays, and T-shirts

  • Tibetan Yak Butter Tea Is as Chunky as It Sounds

    My job as a professional climber and photographer has taken me to some of the most remote regions in the world. When I was asked to join three of my heroes to traverse through Tibet's Changtang plateau, I drank yak butter tea as a sort of hazing...

  • Our Weed Columnist Briefly Quit Smoking Weed for the First Time in Over Nine Years

    I’ve always championed weed for its lack of addictive qualities and yet had never demonstrated this in almost a decade. The only way to know my dependency on weed was to go to a place where I would find absolutely none of it.

  • T. Kid the Landlord

    My family never cared much for homeownership until my mom saw an opportunity to buy a cheap house on Camac Street in North Philadelphia. We made a deal that she would handle the down payment and I would live in the house and rent out the other rooms...
