Volume 13 Issue 8

  • Vice Mail

    I used to be one of the many people who, for no good reason, disliked cops. Then about two months ago I was sodomized at knifepoint a few feet from my front door. I can say now that I have nothing but respect and admiration for the police.

  • Vice Fashion - Cabby Cuffers

    People who get into taxis are usually drunk or high or running late and as such think it’s all about them. Keep in mind that the dude getting you to your destination has seen it all—more horrendous shit than you could likely imagine.

  • Lifetime Acheivement Award

    Ben Anderson is a guy who the BBC pays to go to the most dangerous places in the world with a video camera.

  • Vice Recommends

    Earlier this month, we had our one day super concert, Tales Of The Jackalope. Alongside The Horrors, who were amazing and insane, Klaxons were our other personal highlight. After the performance, Simon from the band strangely ran away to a tent and...

  • Montreal Suicide

    Alex Macalister was this overeducated ponce that we used to hang out with in Montreal. He was a good guy and really funny but he talked like a Lord Byronesque version of Ignatius J Reilly.

  • Electric Independence

    Hallelujah. After 11 years of stalking the fringes, one of the country's leading independent labels, DC Recordings, has finally got round to releasing its first compilation.

  • The First Annual Story Awards - Rock And Roll

    I was leaving Portland’s premier venue when the saxophonist from local cabaret-rock act muttered some cheeky little remark to me. I dropped the nut on him, knocking his two front teeth out and leaving him unable to play his instrument, for which I am...

  • Records

    An overfed and under-talented party tart clumsily deconstructing gender dynamics is as threatening to the mainstream as Weird Al doing a Toby Keith parody—and certainly far less entertaining.

  • Montreal Suicide

    Alex Macalister was this overeducated ponce that we used to hang out with in Montreal. He was a good guy and really funny but he talked like a Lord Byronesque version of Ignatius J Reilly.