Here’s Your 2020 Forecast Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

chinese zodiac horoscope 2020

The Lunar New Year is days away, which means it’s time for our annual dose of Chinese zodiac forecasts.

In some ways, Chinese zodiacs are similar to astrological signs. Like star signs, there are 12 Chinese zodiacs: the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Those with the same zodiacs are believed to have similar personalities and fates for the year.

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However, unlike star signs, Chinese zodiacs are determined by the year a person was born and not the month. Each zodiac is also associated with an element. For example, this year is the year of the Metal Rat, while in 2008, it was the Earth Rat. Zodiacs change every Chinese New Year, which this year falls on Saturday, January 25.

The year of the Metal Rat will be challenging for us all (what year isn’t?), but according to world-renowned life transformation coach, feng shui expert, and business consultant Dato’ Joey Yap, it also brings countless opportunities for personal and financial growth.

“You would expect empires to rise and new kings of the hill established,” he said.

Rising empires? We’re in.

A businessman, bestselling author, and named one of the “Top 10 Young Malaysian Millionaires,” Yap knows a thing or two about running a successful company.

But for those who just want to know if they’ll make it through the year without getting laid off, find out how to get ahead in their career, or see if new relationships will bloom in 2020, here are the forecasts for you.

All 12 animal zodiacs are represented and, spoiler alert, it looks like everyone can look forward to something good. Of course, it’s all on you to make that happen. Below, are some insights for the year of the Metal Rat; read on and discover how to have an awesome 2020.


(1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

chinese zodiac rat

Taking on a new job with added responsibilities will benefit you this year. However, you may end up getting into unnecessary squabbles with family members and loved ones over trivial issues, so try to exercise some tolerance and patience with them.


(1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

chinese zodiac ox

This year, it will be easy for you to mingle with people of a high calibre. Polish up your networking skills to activate the Nobleman Star. Pay extra attention to your health in 2020 and don’t skip meals. Keep your emotions in check too, as you will tend to have feelings of loneliness in the new year.


(1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

chinese zodiac tiger

There is a potential for you to travel this year for career or education purposes. Take the time to get to know new people to expand your horizons. Pay close attention to your health, and think twice before indulging in the latest food fad.


(1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

chinese zodiac rabbit

Single Rabbits have the opportunity to find the right partner this year. It will be a great year for networking, as your likability is boosted in 2020. However, be mindful of your speech and interactions with your family members and loved ones, as there could be unnecessary arguments.


(1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

chinese zodiac dragon

This year is a great year for career success and work advancement. There is a possibility to rise the ranks with a possible increase in income. Ensure you make an effort and pay attention to the smallest details that could get you into trouble.


(1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

chinese zodiac snake

Your good luck will come in the form of new relationships. Pay attention to your personal belongings, as there are potential chances for theft and robbery. Your reputation could also be at risk, so be mindful of your words and behaviour.


(1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

chinese zodiac horse

Your mindset and attitude are important this year, as people with this sign are in for a challenging year ahead. Be prepared for unexpected changes this year, so you’ll have to put in extra effort to achieve your goals. Reign in your impulse to spend money aimlessly.


(1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

chinese zodiac goat

There’s a good chance for overall success, as there’s great opportunities that may show up unexpectedly. Solutions to problems come easily to you, so put in the effort to increase your chances of getting a promotion. Although you might be prone to feelings of loneliness, don’t dwell and focus on the positive.


(1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

chinese zodiac monkey

You will be in for a year that tests your resilience. Be selective about whom you trust, especially at work and on your social media accounts. Be mindful of your spending, as you may turn to retail therapy to console yourself.


(1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

chinese zoadic rooster

This is a great year for creating good memories, building long term relationships, and professional progression. If you’re currently single, consider expanding your network to find your special someone. Committed Roosters may end up getting married this year.


(1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

chinese zodiac dog

There is an increased learning capacity this year, so it’s time to pick up a new skill. With a potential to experience overnight fame, make the most of this by showcasing your talents on social media. Pay attention to your finances, as there’s a chance of misplacing valuables due to your own carelessness.


(1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

pig chinese zodiac

There is a potential for monetary gain this year through investment options. However, you have a tendency to be more forgetful than usual, so find a way to ensure you remember important information. Be mindful of your emotions, as you might get anxious and agitated easily.

Find Joey on his website and Facebook.

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