
Take Trump’s Cognitive Test to See If You’re a ‘Very Stable Genius’ Too

On Tuesday, White House physician Ronny Jackson revealed the results of Trump’s first physical exam since taking office. The exam focused on Trump’s physical health, which Jackson said was “excellent,” though he could stand to lose some weight—which isn’t surprising since Trump eats so much garbage that he’s basically the human equivalent of Mr. Fusion from Back to the Future 2.

But along with the physical examination, Trump insisted that he also take a mental test, to apparently show he truly is “like, really smart.” According to Jackson, Trump aced the cognitive exam, getting a perfect 30 out of 30—but that doesn’t quite prove the president’s gift of high intellect. It just means he can successfully recognize a rhinoceros.

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Of the 30 points on the test, Trump got three for successfully naming animals and another three for drawing a clock. He got another point for doodling a 3D cube, just like kids used to draw on their trappers along with that S-thing.

The exam Jackson administered was the widely used Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), which tests for “mild cognitive dysfunction,” according to test documents. The test doesn’t say anything about Trump’s actual smarts, but it can help catch early signs of dementia, which Trump did not exhibit.

“There’s no indication whatsoever that he has any cognitive issues,” Ronny Jackson said. “He’s very sharp. He’s very articulate when he speaks to me.”

While the MoCA test results may be surprising for those questioning Trump’s mental health, it doesn’t disprove Fire and Fury ‘s claims that the guy is “dumb as shit.” For that, we have to wait for a real intelligence test—so we can finally see once and for all if Trump really does have “one of the highest” IQs in the world.

While we wait for that, grab a friend and try the MoCA exam yourself to see if you’re a “stable genius,” too, via the Los Angeles Times.