
Featured Works From The Gallery: Week 18

Our new online Gallery provides creative professionals a platform to showcase their portfolio of work, gain exposure, build their network, find collaborators, and become eligible for funding opportunities like The Studio. The Gallery also helps fans of cutting edge creative work to discover new artists and inspiring projects. Each week we’ll be selecting a few of our favorites and bringing you the best of what The Creators Project community has to offer. To have your work featured, submit your tech-powered projects to the Gallery.

Harvey Moon: The Drawing Machine

Videos by VICE

For years, Chicago artist Harvey Moon worked on developing an artistically inclined mechanical robot, able to react to computer commands and produce beautiful drawings. The Drawing Machine was thus created to impeccably illustrate pre-decided images curated by Moon. The system consists of two parts—one controlling the technical application of the pen while the other interprets the image and determines coordinates for positioning. But The Drawing Machine doesn’t just produce faithful copies, that would be too boring, instead it is programmed to “make decisions” and take artistic liberties, producing a unique image every time.

Andrea Cuius: The Company

Reacting to sound and other inputs from the environment, The Company is a responsive light installation commissioned by Bring To Light Festival NYC for the second annual Nuit Blanche NYC. The suspended overhead catenary arch is composed of 76 tungsten lamps and responds to audio input transcribed by a custom software developed in Cinder. Using a virtual replica of the actual installation, the sound analysis software modifies the behavior and properties of each tungsten bulb including speed, brightness, and intensity to create a visually stunning light show.

David Terranova: Krix

Art director David Terranova has combined his own Flash engine Random Shape Generator and a self-produced music track called “Krix” to create the ultimate music video. Editing the colorfully animated polygons produced from Random Shape Generator in Final Cut, Terranova utilized “Krix” as an audio baseline to create an eerily muted kaleidoscopic visualizer for his creative work.