
If You’re Going Bald, Consider Rubbing Wasabi on Your Head

Ilustrasi wasabi dalam sepiring sushi.

Wasabi, judiciously spread on the underside of a slice of hamachi and topped with paper-thin slices of negi makes for a divine bite of sushi—but what happens when you spread the spicy green plant all over your head?

Japanese wasabi company Kinin recently made an announcement that chemicals found within the wasabi plant help regrow hair faster than current hair-loss remedies such as Rogaine (minoxidil).

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Keep in mind that they mean real wasabi, and not that toxic-green playdough sitting in a mound next to the birthday-pink pickled ginger that you’re undoubtedly familiar with. Considering fresh wasabi typically goes for around $80 per pound, and has a rather pungent odor, you might be better off picking up some Rogaine.

While there is no currently no official scientific work to substantiate the claims made by kinin, there is some pre-existing scientific literature on wasabi in medical settings.

The chemical isosaponarin, which Kinin claims helps stimulate hair regrowth, was previously noted to aid in human collagen production. The second chemical of note in wasabi, 6-MSITC, has been shown to inhibit breast cancer cell growth.

READ MORE: Wasabi Could Be the Key to the Next Great Painkiller

If you’re looking for other questionable, all-natural ways to regrown some hair, wasabi is but one of many things you can throw in a blender and spread on across your pate.

Onions (pick your favorite variety) can be frapped and put on the head. A study from 2002, claims that onion juice is actually effective in treating alopecia areata, a less common form of hair loss. You could also pull a PBR from the fridge for a beer hair rinse, and let all that yeasty goodness go to work. There’s no real scientific basis for that one, but hey, apparently Catherine Zeta-jones thinks it’s great.

If all else fails, you can try the standard Japanese anti-baldness cure of just straight up stuffing your face with curry—like all the time.