This is the Porn Canadians Are Searching For

After a request from VICE Canada, a Pornhub insights map was released today revealing what search terms are most often helping Canadians get off. Much like the United States Pornhub analytics that were released last month, “lesbian” dominated the charts for much of Canada. However, some choice terms that are inherently Canadian made their way into our country’s top searched porn terms.

“Eskimo,” which is an offensive word that refers to Indigenous people living in the northern hemisphere, topped Nunavut’s Pornhub searches. And in a stereotypical French Canadian move, “Quebec” was the most searched-for term in Quebec—yes, the Quebecois apparently love themselves so much that they strictly want to watch each other fuck (or want to hear ‘you like that?!?’ en Francais). Inexplicably, “cartoon” was the top search in the Yukon.

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In Pornhub’s relative search term analytics, pictured above, which shows top searches in a province relative to other provinces, more sexual preferences were revealed. In BC, more people are searching for “Asian” relative to the rest of Canada. And in additional questionable race fetishizing searches, “Native” was more common in Manitoba than the rest of the country and “Indian” was a popular search in Ontario.

Though we clearly don’t have the strangely specific incestuous obsession that the United States’ map showed last month—including top searches for “step mom” and “step sister,” it’s pretty clear that Canadians have some weird fetishes. From “tickling’ being a popular search in the Yukon to “hentai” in the Northwest Territories to “smoking” in New Brunswick, Canadians are definitely getting some weird boners.

Maps via Pornhub