Money ‘Can I Come Too?’ Today’s Comic by Benny Montero By Benny Montero May 27, 2017, 12:00am Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Check out Benny Montero’s Instagram and Facebook. MoreFrom VICE The VICE Guide to the Best Clubs in Sydney 05.19.24 By Ilana Bean and Adele Luamanuvae Is Merivale the Death of Culture or a Symptom? I Went To Their New ‘Record Bar’ To Find Out. 04.23.24 By Brandon Jack True Story: I Let A Guy Lick My Boots for 20 Minutes to Pay Rent 04.23.24 By Izzy Parker ‘Shit Was Like a Cheese Grater’: All the Ways You Can Break Your Penis 03.27.24 By Arielle Richards