
Pornhub Really Wants You to Stay Home. So They’ve Made Premium Content Free Worldwide

Pornhub made premium content free worldwide

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases across the world catapult to more than 438,000, the only advice experts have in the absence of a cure or vaccine is asking people to just stay home.

Self-isolating means having to say goodbye to your work wife, gym routine and even the significant other if you don’t live together. Being stuck in quarantine is hard and can cause a lot of pent-up frustration without an effective outlet. So, to serve you some distraction action, Pornhub has now made its Premium feature free worldwide so you can masturbate your self-isolation sadness away.

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“With nearly one billion people in lockdown across the world because of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we lend a hand and provide them with an enjoyable way to pass the time,” said Corey Price, Vice President of Pornhub through a press release. “We hope by expanding our offer of free Pornhub Premium worldwide, people have an extra incentive to stay home and flatten the curve.” The service normally costs $9.99 a month.

While Pornhub had previously opened up its Premium feature for Italy, Spain, France and even a Japanese cruise ship, people all over the world can now enjoy high-definition, on-demand streaming free for a month by signing up on Pornhub’s special ‘stay at home’ landing tab. But giving you more incentive to keep your ass on the couch isn’t the only good they’re getting up to.

Pornhub also announced that they would donate 85 percent of their video sales profits to the performers whose jobs have been affected by the pandemic. They also plan to donate $25,000 to the Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) to make things easier for sex workers who have lost their livelihood due to social distancing. Even outside this industry, they’re donating thousands of surgical masks to emergency medical technicians, paramedics and firefighters in New York, as well as contributing €50,000 to various European organisations so they can buy masks and other medical equipment.

As inconvenient and harrowing as a global quarantine can be, companies like Pornhub are proof that in these hard times, the world is literally coming together.

Follow Shamani Joshi on Instagram.