Watch ‘Killing Cancer,’ Our HBO Special Report on the Race to Find a Cancer Cure

The full-length video of ‘Killing Cancer’ was removed from YouTube on August 30. Watch it on HBO Go and HBO Now.

In the beginning of 2015, HBO aired Killing Cancer—our special report about the world’s cutting-edge cancer labs and doctors working tirelessly at the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center to search for a cure.

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In tandem with the special report last winter, VICE’s co-founder Shane Smith launched a fundraising campaign to help the Mayo Clinic continue their groundbreaking research. It was a huge success—more than 10,000 donors raised $1 million in the campaign, with Shane matching the donations for a total of $2 million going to the Clinic.

Now, in honor of our recent Emmy nomination for “Best Informational Series,” HBO and VICE have decided to re-release Killing Cancer for free on YouTube for the next week. Give the special report a watch above and then read more about the Mayo Clinic’s research at their website.