Diner Dash By The Creators Project July 8, 2011, 1:28am Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Almost as stressful as the real job. Play at http://www.playfirst.com/game/dinerdash. MoreFrom VICE Screenshot: Resolution Games ‘Home Sports’ Should Be the Default Pack-in Title With Every Meta Headset (Review) 12.23.24 By Shaun Cichacki Screenshot: Fangamer ‘Undertale’ Inspiration And Cult Classic RPG Is Coming To Steam 12.23.24 By Dwayne Jenkins Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki Nomada Studio Lets Me in to Learn How ‘GRIS’ and ‘Neva’ Deliver a Beautiful and Touching Message (Interview) 12.20.24 By Shaun Cichacki Screenshot: SuperAuthenti ‘Catly’ Releases New Gameplay Trailer on Steam but Fails to Beat The “WTF Is This?” Allegations 12.20.24 By Matt Vatankhah