
Get the Lowdown on Europe’s Newest Club, De School

2015’s been a strange old year, hasn’t it? While we don’t want to dwell too much on it, it was obvious than an annus horrobilis was on the cards as soon as we found out that Amsterdam’s most beloved club, Trouw, was shutting it’s doors for the final time in January.

Nearly a year has passed now and finally there’s good news: Trouw is re-opening. Sort of. Well, kind of. In a way. Exactly one year on, a new club is taking it’s place and it’s time for committed clubbers to enrol at De School. The new venture from Post CS BV, who were the company behind Trouw, isn’t just any old club though. There’s going to be a gyn, a restaurant, a small concert space and a courtyard, as well as the all important 24hr license.

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While there’s been no official word yet on who’s going to be smashing it behind the decks come opening night, you can pretty much guaranteed that given Trouw’s reputation in the world of club culture that it’s not gonna be a few nobodies putzing about on Serato.

You can check out De School on Facebook for more information.