
Monthly Horoscope: Libra, October 2019

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Happy solar return, Libra! Your season is here, and you’re feeling revitalized, especially after such a confusing September. Though last month wrapped up with a new moon in your sign and you’re ready for a fresh start, October starts on a very intense note.

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On October 1, Venus—your ruling planet—in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn; two days later, Pluto ends its retrograde on October 3. On a good day, Pluto—the lord of the underworld—is the planet of rebirth and transformation. On a bad day, Pluto is obsessive, possessive, sneaky, and power hungry. As gentle Venus and creepy Pluto clash early this month, you’re finding you need to set firmer boundaries in your private life. As things are feeling intense at home, and memories from the past may be bubbling to the surface, watch out for jealousy, be mindful not to repress your feelings, and confront the things that might be upsetting you. Stop keeping people’s secrets and watch out for manipulators!

Early October is a powerful time to connect with your ancestors and energetically cleanse your home. Pluto’s change in direction on October 3 creates a potent energy in your personal life, and real change is taking place in the structures in your home and family life that seemed to be have been set in stone aeons ago.

  • A home-cleansing kit could help you clear any negative energy from your space.
  • Feng shui is all about encouraging a good flow of energy in your living spaces. These wind chimes could help bring more tranquility to your home.
  • Jealousy is a fickle queen, but luckily there are things you can do to teach your body to chill out during a bout of jealousy.

Messenger planet Mercury enters Scorpio on October 3 bringing news about money, while warrior planet Mars enters your sign, Libra, on October 4, inspiring you to fight for causes you believe in. On October 7, Mercury opposes electric Uranus in Taurus and the sun clashes with Saturn in Capricorn, bringing more surprising news, especially in the realm of money. Unfortunately, you might be feeling blocked at this time as you reach obstacles. Emotional liberation has been a theme for you lately, and the end of summer found you feeling so free, but this autumn finds you learning about new limitations—or old ones that you weren’t aware of yet—that you now have to navigate. The best thing you can do right now is to act responsibly.

  • Since things are feeling intense at home early this month, enchant your bedroom with some sacred incense.
  • Don’t lose track of any extra cash you’re receiving this month! A practical and cute wallet will hold all of your cards, cash, and coins in one spot.

Financial blessings arrive as your ruling planet Venus enters Scorpio on October 8; however, Venus opposes Uranus on October 12, bringing a bit of chaos—now isn’t the time to make investments or commitments! Uranus is the planet of unpredictability, and as it’s opposed by darling Venus, you may find that your tastes have changed: you might find that something you thought was valuable actually isn’t, or something you didn’t care for before becomes appealing! This can be an exciting energy, even though unexpected events may occur, especially when it comes to your finances.

A big release also takes this month, thanks to the full moon in Aries on October 13. Aries is your opposite sign on the zodiac wheel, and this full moon brings a major climax in your relationships. A turning point is here: While you are the polite, fair, popular air sign everyone gets along with, fiery Aries hasn’t attended charm school and isn’t afraid of a confrontation. This is a perfect time for you to vent and get all your feelings out! Be honest, especially with yourself. A confrontation may indeed take place, but if you have unkind words to share, do so in the privacy of your journal (and rip the pages up afterwards!).

Emotional release doesn’t need to mean the end of a relationship. That said, some relationships may indeed end at this time. They have run their course, and it’s time for you to turn your attention elsewhere. All in all, as much as this full moon is inspiring you to “let go,” you also find yourself expanding in exciting ways as the sun connects with lucky planet Jupiter, creating an atmosphere of growth and bringing you the information you’ve been seeking.

Mercury makes a helpful connection to Saturn and the sun clashes with Pluto on October 14, creating a supportive energy for communication despite the ego clashes that are sure to take place on this day. It’s a great time to figure out plans concerning your living situation, finances, and security, as well as to discuss boundaries and standards with the people in your life. Be on the lookout for manipulators and control freaks this month!

An especially creative energy flows at work as Mercury makes a harmonious connection with dreamy Neptune on October 15—inspiration is flowing! Mercury and Pluto connect on October 19, bringing you the inside scoop you’ve been looking for. An intense conversation may take place, but you’re approaching it with confidence and incisiveness. Your ruling planet Venus makes a helpful connection with Saturn on October 20, and a helpful energy flows for making commitments. Romance also flows as Venus harmonizes with Neptune on October 21, and this is also a fantastic time for creativity at work. In your spiritual practice, this is a juicy time to cast a spell for abundance, wealth, and creativity in your daily life.

  • A deck of spells for whenever your witchy mood takes over!
  • Take advantage of Venus’s connection to Neptune and plan a cozy date night in. Here’s a recipe for a classic spaghetti carbonara that you can cook together.
  • If you live with roommates, a cute chalkboard can help you organize your chores and make sure everyone’s chipping in to keep your space clean.

Scorpio season begins on October 23! The focus shifts from yourself to your stuff as you take stock of your belongings and rethink your budget. Scorpio season often finds you having conversations about worth and value (maybe it’s time to ask for a raise!). Your ruling planet Venus makes a helpful connection with power planet Pluto on October 25, helping you get important people on your side and encouraging you to make requests. Mars clashes with Saturn and a new moon in Scorpio arrives on October 27, finding you setting firm limits and perhaps also facing a limitation or obstacle. A fresh start arrives in your finances, and whatever limit you face will show you what you still have to learn. The sun opposes Uranus on October 28, bringing surprises on the financial front again. You’re also itching for freedom at this moment! It’s time to confront any situation in your life that’s draining your wallet. This is also a powerful time to pay off a debt and be liberated from the burden of owing someone something.

Mercury meets Venus on October 30, creating a fun, flirtatious atmosphere before Mercury retrograde begins on October 31, finding you rethinking quite a few conversations you’ve had about cash this month. Watch out for miscommunications and delays, and hold off on making expensive purchases. Be especially mindful of where you leave you money or wallet, and do your best not to misplace your belongings. Uranus brings quite a few surprises this month, so despite the frustration that Mercury retrograde may bring, its retrograde may help smooth over some of the unexpected events Uranus stirs up this October. Good luck this month, Libra, and see you in November!