
Capricorn, The Sea Goat

capricorn personality traits image

December 22 – January 19

The last Earth sign, Capricorn represents worldly success. But must one sell their soul to the Devil–which happens to be Capricorn’s Tarot card–in order to achieve such status? Absolutely not: Capricorn knows all success can be achieved through hard work. And anyway, a Capricorn is savvy enough to know not to sign anything without having their lawyer look over it first.

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Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and, just like their planetary ruler, Capricorns are disciplined. Saturn is the lord of time, which is a theme strongly tied to this sign. Fittingly, New Year’s Eve occurs during its season. There’s a saying that says that Capricorns look younger as they get older, but it’s more likely that they’re just able to enjoy luxurious skin treatments with all the money they’ve saved up.

A Cardinal sign (meaning they are the first sign of the season, in this case winter), Capricorns are industrious and good leaders. Career and success are super important to Capricorn; through these successes, they usually have plenty of money to pamper themselves or to engage in some devilish fun. They can be pretty lusty individuals; like the Devil, Capricorns enjoy the pleasures of the flesh.

There’s a rumor going around that the Sea Goat is boring and unfeeling: so not true! While Capricorn’s top half, the Goat, can navigate rough mountain terrain, the bottom half, the fish tail, is comfortable in the mysterious, deep ocean. This combination of Earth and Water suggests to us that Caps are both grounded and practical as well as sensitive and creative. They’re just savvy and street smart enough not to let you in on their soft side.

Capricorns are mature, and they usually collect a large number of wise and established people to network with and learn from. Older folks are typically a great source of inspiration for Capricorns, and learning about their ancestry or engaging with the past is usually therapeutic for them in some way. It is said that the glyph representing Capricorn is simply the symbol for Aries-the baby of the Zodiac and the first Cardinal sign-with a cane tacked onto it (the body part ruled by Cap is the knees, so thank goodness for that cane).

Really, any Capricorn you know is actually a grandma on the inside: Help carry their bags up their stoop and they might leave you something in their will.

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