
It Took 30 Minutes for the $3,300 Technics SL-1200 to Sell out in Japan

There are lots of different kinds of dedicated music fans in the world. Some will make Beyoncé concert tickets sell out in 22 seconds, while others will shell out $4,500 for an IDM record with a word puzzle for title. Others still will compete to pay $3,300 for a shiny limited edition turntable, creating enough demand that it sells out in half an hour.

That was the case yesterday, when Technics‘ parent company Panasonic announced that buyers had swept up every single one of the 300 SL-1200GAE turntables—a remodeled edition of the iconic SL-1200 model—released in its Japanese domestic run. They went on sale at 10.00AM, and were gone half an hour later, reported the Tokyo Reporter.

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“I didn’t think the price was too high as we have confidence in our brand, but I didn’t expect them to sell out so quickly,” said a Panasonic representative to the Sankei Shimbun.

If you feel like spending a lot of money on a piece of music listening equipment and didn’t get your chance this time, the company says that 900 more of the limited edition turntable will be made available for international sales at some point.

If for some weird reason $3,300 seems like too much money to you, the company’s CTO, Tetsuya Itani, says there might be a more affordable model on the way.

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