
Monthly Horoscope: Gemini, November 2022


Scorpio season is a very busy time of year for you, Gemini, as the sun lights up the sector of your chart that rules productivity, your day job, and your daily routine. But this isn’t Scorpio-season-as-usual, due to Mars being retrograde in your zodiac sign until January 12, 2023! Mars retrograde finds you reassessing your goals, gaining a greater understanding of your motivations, and searching for healthy ways to express your anger. Desire is also a big theme for you at this time. Mars retrograde brings intense emotions, as does Scorpio season: This is a period of deep introspection and transformation for you!

Unexpected shifts in your schedule may take place as Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 5. You might be ready to break free from commitments that no longer make sense, or interested in collaborating with someone unexpected or unconventional. You’re in the mood for experimentation! Boundaries and limits are discussed as Venus squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on November 7.

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Carve out extra time to rest during the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8: This eclipse demands that you stop overworking yourself, and prioritize sleep and quality time with yourself and closest loved ones. You might have some intense dreams at this time as profound symbols, messages, and realizations arrive as you sleep, meditate, or daydream. This can be a profound eclipse for any inner work you’re doing in therapy, and for any examination of your psyche. Surprising information might come to light, and old patterns unexpectedly broken, especially as the sun meets your ruling planet Mercury in Scorpio, and Mercury opposes Uranus on November 8.

Mercury squares off with Saturn on November 10, which can find you managing communication delays and schedule frustrations. While you might feel like you’re in a time crunch, your focus is quite sharp, and you’re making important decisions at this time. Venus connects with Neptune in Pisces on this day, which can find you feeling especially glamorous! Attention may come your way, and your reputation or career gets a boost at this time.

The sun squares off with Saturn on November 11, which might find you making an important decision about how to invest your time and energy, and Mercury connects with Neptune on November 12, finding you feeling especially creatively inspired. Mercury and Neptune’s alignment bodes well for your career, and your influence is especially strong at this time. You may be inspiring more people than you realize! Your intuition is particularly strong right now, too.

You can get to the bottom of a tricky situation, and a cooperative atmosphere may help you smooth over any issues as Venus connects with Pluto in Capricorn on November 13. Making changes can be hard, but Pluto is the planet of transformation, and its helpful connection with sweet Venus this month can bring support as you work toward your goals.

Important information may be found and insightful discussions can take place as Mercury connects with Pluto on November 14. Also on this day, the sun connects with Neptune, inspiring creativity, understanding, and an easygoing atmosphere. Venus connects with Jupiter in Pisces on November 15, which can find you enjoying success in your career! Creative inspiration abounds! Reward or recognition for your talents arrives.

You’re connecting with someone quite alluring as Venus enters November 16, or perhaps your connection with an established partner grows even stronger. Also on this day, Mercury connects with Jupiter, inspiring an open-minded, creative atmosphere that’s fantastic for communication. You could be sharing a big message to an eager audience at this time. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 17, strengthening communication in your relationships! Your partners may have something exciting to share. The sun mingles with Pluto on November 18, boosting your confidence and helping you along in your journey to dump an old habit (or your efforts to start a new healthy habit). Help from someone well-connected may become available.

Mars retrograde squares off with Neptune on November 19, which can find you feeling frustrated about the direction of your career or creative projects. You could be frustrated about your reputation, or confused about your relationship with the public. Laziness, misunderstandings, and confusion are typical of this alignment, and you might find yourself thinking back to a situation that took place on October 12. The best way to work with this energy is to slow down and rest—don’t force anything along! Do your best to be patient, and consider various opinions and perspectives. Mars retrograde can be intense and frustrating, but this could also be a powerful period of transformation, where you learn more about what makes you feel anger, motivation, or passion, and how to express your feelings in a healthy, productive way.

The sun connects with Jupiter on November 20, which can find you feeling more optimistic about your career! You’re feeling lucky or adventurous at this time, and productivity flows easily. Mercury and Venus meet on November 21, inspiring a fun, friendly atmosphere that’s fantastic for connecting with others.

The sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, finding you intently focused on your relationships. New introductions may be made, and deeper connections in established partnerships can form. You could learn a lot about others’ perspectives at this time, and a fresh start in your relationships arrives during the new moon in Sagittarius on November 23.

Sagittarius symbolizes expansion and exploration, and a new moon in this sign finds you interacting with people who remind you there’s always something new to discover. A new partnership may begin, or a deepening or renewal can take place in an established relationship. Jupiter ends its retrograde during this new moon, which could find you ready to move forward with career plans, or generally feeling optimistic about connecting with the public and your future in general. An expansive energy flows, and you’re feeling free to explore new opportunities!

Mars retrograde connects with Saturn on November 28, which could find you re-strategizing, especially plans that you began to discuss on or around September 28. People may be prone to bickering as Mercury opposes Mars retrograde on November 29, but Mercury makes a helpful connection with Saturn on this day, which can find you feeling focused and grounded as you make travel plans or work on a project. Venus opposes Mars retrograde on November 30, inspiring a dynamic shift in your relationships. Power struggles may come to a climax, but collaborations can prove fruitful. 

Good luck this month, Gemini, and see you in December!