
Josh Ozersky

This is the first Munchies episode featuring a food writer. Sure, we have had food personalties who write, but Josh Ozersky is different. Josh’s rise to prominence came about with his book Meat Me in Manhattan: A Carnivore’s Guide to New York, and from there he went on edit Grub Street for New York magazine while putting out other books on topics like Colonel Sanders and the hamburger. We first met Josh while filming our Michael White Munchies episode. Josh showed up to the shoot with a half-eaten sandwich and then proceeded to order some pasta before we headed to three more restaurants. It was then that we knew he was special. Beside his Falstaffian appetite, Josh’s way with words is what sets him apart from other food people. When we approached him about where he would like to go, he immediately said that he would not leave the confines of Manhattan’s East Village, and that he already had his crew in mind. So, with Mr. Recipe, Tommy Walker, and Chef Anthony Goncalves in tow, Josh took us to three of his favorite neighborhood spots. We could go on and on about all the characters in this episode, but you really just have experience it for yourself. Please enjoy all 20 minutes of this episode.

Josh has also written for us:

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