Health A Comic That Shows the Tough Reality of Getting an Abortion in Brazil By Cynthia Bonacossa December 6, 2015, 10:00am Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Look at Cynthia’s art at her Tumblr. MoreFrom VICE Screenshot: Bandai-Namco ‘Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero’: I Love Difficulty (But Get Why Some Don’t) 10.31.24 By Anthony Franklin II The Vatican Just Dropped an Anime Girl Mascot Named ‘Luce’ 10.29.24 By Luis Prada Screenshot: Epic Games Kamala Harris Dropped a New Custom ‘Fortnite’ Map 10.28.24 By Dwayne Jenkins Ru Callender leads a procession through the streets of Liverpool for the KLF's annual Toxteth Day of the Dead celebration. Photo by Thomas Ecke The Anarchist Undertaker Who Does Death Differently 10.18.24 By Nick Thompson