
QAnon Queen of Canada Now Claims to Be Queen of the World

A QAnon influencer some people believe to be the true Queen of Canada took a quick break from her months-long tour of the country to announce her intentions to go global.

A QAnon influencer some people believe to be the true Queen of Canada took a quick break from her monthslong tour of the country to announce her intentions to go global. 

“The entire team was privileged to hear Queen Romana speak to the United States Commander and Chief via telephone and hear the intel disclosed. Wait for it…. ” Romana Didulo’s press secretary told followers before taking a dramatic pause. 

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“Queen Romana is the leader of the world!” 

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Romana Didulo and the followers who came out to see her during a recent meet and greet in a Quebec town. Photo via Telegram.

Speaking in a Quebec campground parking lot on May 24, in front of a massive purple Queen Romana decal (which features a sword bifurcating a maple leaf) on Didulo’s new RV, the press secretary said this was a big development for the burgeoning leader, one that would bring them legitimacy, and she urged those who follow Didulo to stand up for their queen.

 “Queen Romana has done all of the heavy lifting, and now it is up to ‘we the people’ to stand in our authority and put these decrees into place,” she told her followers. ”The only visible leader on this planet is her royal majesty Queen Romana, period, and that’s a mic drop.”

Didulo grew out of the online QAnon movement—which believes there is a secret war being fought against the elites—and has garnered a not-insignificant following by actually inserting herself in the real world created by this conspiracy. For months now, Didulo and a rotating cast of characters have been crisscrossing the country in a convoy—which they call their “mobile government”—building her community offline by meeting followers at almost every stop they make. They’re on the tail end of their second loop of the second-largest country in the world, as gas prices have reached record highs. 

Didulo has issued, as of this week, 79 decrees. For the most part, the decrees have had little real-world impact, such as declaring Victoria, British Columbia (where she resides when not in the RV) the capital of Canada, and raising the age of consent to 24, although some followers bristled at that. 

However, some of these decrees take a darker tone, especially concerning since many followers appear to take them quite seriously. One of them involves clearing out all refugees and immigrants at a crossing in Quebec that’s a hot-button issue for the far-right (Didulo just visited the crossing in her RV) or that “publishing slanderous articles concerning Queen Romana Didulo of the Kingdom” will result in an immediate 30-year prison sentence. Didulo has also in the past urged her followers to take violent action against those facilitating vaccines for children. While she has recently softened her tone, Didulo’s past rhetoric veered into the realm of violence. 

“We’re not putting up with this garbage anymore,” wrote one excited follower on a Telegram channel devoted to Didulo. “Queen Romana did the heavy lifting and we have to take over and finish this!”

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Didulo’s RV convoy at a recent stop. Photo via Telegram.

When Didulo speaks, many of her followers listen. One follower was arrested after posting a threat against his daughter’s school for giving out vaccines after Didulo said it was time to take action. Experts have told VICE World News a select few of her followers may go to extremes to further their beliefs. Some of her followers appear to be unwell and post frequently about how they believe they are actually in a war with the elites. 

Didulo’s followers suffer for their allegiance to their queen. Some stopped paying their utility bills after she announced the bills were unethical and instructed them to pull all utility companies off their online banking payee lists. Those who listened to her now say they’re being hounded by debt collectors, and in some extreme cases, are having their power or water shut off. Some, blaming the capitalist system for their woes, are begging Didulo for help in turning their power back on or making people believe. 

“Queen Romana. It is time you show your authority to the MSM NOW,” wrote one. “I agree that it is time to enforce your decrees Canada-wide and take out the fake Trudeau from his office. We the people are trying to enforce the decrees with little success.”

Things have gotten to the point in the community where they are circulating a generic letter to send to utility companies to demand they turn their power, water, or internet back on. One woman, who pushes others to follow Didulo’s decrees, posted an image from a bank showing she had racked up $47,000 on a personal credit line and is frustrated they won’t listen to the Didulo videos she sends them. Other followers have posted they’ve suffered in other ways for their devotion to their Queen. One woman, who said she walked away from her partner and comfortable life is about to move into her car, shared an email she was sent from her brother. 

“Please think this through. What happens when your back pain becomes unbearable and you have no meds? Promise me you won’t turn to street drugs,” it reads. “(Your partner) misses you but felt he needed to break up because you are listening to some phoney cult online.”

Are you a follower or a former follower, or do you have a loved one who follows Romana Didulo? We would love to hear your story. You can get in touch with Mack Lamoureux at

One thing that Didulo does believe her followers need to pay for, however, is her new RV she has dubbed QR1. The RV reportedly cost $65,000 and Didulo and her entourage are insisting her followers pay it off. So far, Didulo’s press secretary said they’ve been able to raise $12,000. As always, some of her followers jumped at the opportunity to help their queen. Followers have posted images of them sending money to the person on Didulo’s “staff” who handles finances .Didulo herself posted a screenshot from one follower who sent her $3,500 US for the RV. 

“Accepted… and done,” one follower replied to a call for donations. “I wish I could donate more but have been out of work since Nov. 2021.” 

Follow Mack Lamoureux on Twitter.