Are you growing tired of pounding bass, endless turn-up, and the constant wave of ear-bleeding anthems? Do you long for ethereal beats that will transport your mind, body and soul to a more peaceful place? If so, we’re about to make your day with a full-stream of the debut album from Swedish duo Gidge. It’ll immediately rid you of the tinnitus you’ve spent years accruing!
Consisting of Ludvig Stolterman and Jonathan Nilsson, the guys find their first full full-length release in the capable hands of Applescal’s Atomnation imprint, a longfound home for airy tunes that flow delicately through your ear canals.
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Largely influenced by their scenic Nordic home, the duo have delivered an extremely musical and emotional album with an endless blend of swirling melodies, serene soundscapes, and the type of instrumentation that’s reminiscent of tones and textures one would encounter while wandering through a lush green forest. While much of the LP’s content comes off as overly ambient, the segments in which broody, pitched vocals are layered against driving breaks and more upbeat sounds, give the entire album an impressive range.
Take a trip into this detailed and enchanting release from the endlessly skilled duo:
Connect with Gidge // Facebook // Twitter // Soundcloud
Autumn Bells will be released on September 23rd, pre-order on 12” vinyl here More beautiful shit:
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