Apple employees who work at the company’s futuristic headquarters in Cupertino—called Apple Park—can eat fancy pizza every day for a discounted price compared to similar pizzas sold in the Bay Area and throughout the United States.
And that pizza, according to four sources who’ve had it, is very, very good. Like, so delicious that at some point Apple had to limit orders to three pizzas per person, according to a source.
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“I swear, it’s the best pizza I have had in the United States,” said Italian citizen and iPhone hacker Luca Todesco. “It’s really good.”
Do you work at Apple’s Caffe Macs or another tech company’s cafeteria? We’d love to hear from you. Using a non-work phone or computer, you can contact Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai securely on Signal at +1 917 257 1382, OTR chat at, or email
Ivan Rodriguez, an engineer who works in the valley and who also said he ate the Apple pizza in 2017, said that “it’s made to order, it’s warm and perfect.”
“I’m a pizza lover, I literally eat pizza on every city I visit, I can say it was a good pizza, the sauce was great. The cheese was melted perfectly and I don’t know which blends they used but it was rich and delicious,” Rodriguez said. “I’m a huge Apple fan and eating pizza at Apple’s HQ was a dream come true for me.”
Rodriguez was so stoked he took a picture of a pizza so legendary Apple patented a freaking box to transport it.
When Rodriguez visited Apple’s office, he had a chance to choose from six different pizzas, all priced at between $7 and $8 (employees as well as guests have to pay). For comparison, a Margherita at Pizzeria Delfina in Palo Alto costs $16. A Margherita with buffalo mozzarella at Sorbillo, the Manhattan cousin of the famous Neapolitan pizzeria, costs $19. Other tech companies, such as Facebook and Google, offer food for free to their employees.
In a move that’s bound to spark controversy in the land of mozzarella, Apple also offered Hawaiian pizza in 2017, when Rodriguez visited. A source who asked not to be identified said that the Hawaiian pizza is not available anymore, at least this week, and said there’s now a special Roman pizza that changes ingredients every day.
Sources who’ve had pizza multiple times at Apple said that the pizza is not really neapolitan style. Moreover, apparently, the new cafeteria doesn’t have a wood fired oven anymore, which is the default at pizzerias in Naples that command crowds every day of the week.
Those may be crucial details.
As I wrote last year, IMHO, Neapolitan style pizza is the best kind of pizza you can get. If you look carefully at the leaked photo, you can notice the mozzarella slightly charred, and a crust that also seems a bit blackened by too much time in the oven. Roman style pizza, on the other hand is typically crunchier, and thicker. That’s why the pizza in the picture, to me, appears to be Roman-style pizza.
To each their own, but for a company that prides itself in delivering state-of-the-art products, Apple may not be using the best hardware, nor the best pizza engineers available.
Full disclosure: Motherboard was not offered the chance to consume pizza the last time this reporter visited Apple Park earlier this year. So if you could send me a slice, my office address is 49 S 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY, 11211. (I can Venmo or Apple Pay you I guess).
Apple did not respond to a request for comment.
Correction: a previous version of this article said Apple’s campus was called “1 Infinite Loop.” It is called Apple Park. We regret the error.