
Ice Cream Guys

Special thanks to Bess (292 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012; 212-219-9723) Kool Man has been the number-one ice-cream king in Brooklyn since 1935. We talked to a few of his drivers to see what it’s like to be every child’s hero.

Videos by VICE

Surface to Air blouse, American Apparel shorts, Tom Binns bracelets and rings, In4mation shirt, vintage Lee jacket from Bess, Industry pants, 80%20 shoes

Heavy Rotation t-shirt, Ezekiel skirt, Disaya sweater   PABLO
Vice: How long have you been an ice-cream-truck driver?

About ten years.

Are the kids ever annoying?

No, they’re my best customers so I can’t say anything bad even if I wanted to.

What’s the biggest seller?

Soft ice cream and Icees. The SpongeBob pops are popular with the little ones.

Do you eat the ice cream you sell?

Yeah. The banana boat is my favorite—the big one. I usually eat at least one a day. But I’m not fat because I don’t eat much other food while I’m working.

Are all ice cream trucks created equal?

No. Mine’s a classic—it’s from ’61. People ask if it’s for sale all the time.

What do you do during the winter?

I’m from the Dominican Republic so I usually go there and find some work, but sometimes I’ll come back to Brooklyn early to work on the truck and make sure everything is in order.

Have you ever fought with another driver over a route?

Oh yeah. They’ll come up to the truck and say, “Hey Papo, you can’t work around here.” I tell them, “This is America and I can work wherever I want.” Once this one guy from this other company—Mr. Cone—said, “You want to fight?” So I stepped out and punched him. He never bothered me again.

Do you ever have girls asking for free ice cream?

All the time. Sometimes I’ll give free ice cream to a girl and say, “You look niiiceee.”

What if she’s ugly? Do you still give her a freebie?
