Scientists Found Cancer-Causing DNA in Stem Cells Given to Patients

For decades, stem cells have offered rich potential, promising an age of “regenerative medicine.” They’re being used to in early-stage treatment for Parkinson’s disease, macular degeneration, hearing loss, arthritis, and paralysis, among others, with new applications (impotence?) appearing seemingly all the time. They’re generally hailed as a motherlode for medical treatment, even as some unregulated clinics cross the line from research into dangerous hype.

But a recent letter in the journal Nature shows that some of the stem cell lines used in these therapies have been found to contain cancer-causing mutations. That raises the concern that patients treated with the cells could face a real risk of developing cancer—though that hasn’t happened so far.

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To reach that conclusion, Harvard scientists examined 140 stem cell lines, most of which were registered with the National Institutes of Health; each line is a collection of identical stem cells that’s reproduced and provided to researchers. They performed DNA sequencing and found that five lines had cells with a cancer-causing mutation, specifically in the TP53 gene. Of those five, at least two have been used in clinical trials of experimental treatments. It’s not known how many people received them.

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