
Photos from an Apocalyptic St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah, Georgia

St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah is quite an experience. Thousands of tourists flock to this little city on the East Coast where imbibing in the streets is legal, ready to drink green beer and stumble around on the cobble stones of the town’s famed River Street. By 8:30 AM the screaming wakes you up. I had my first drink at 9:30 AM and proceeded to get fairly intoxicated by noon. Lunch consists of whatever food vendor you stumble into, and then you go right back to drinking. People are dressed like extras in a weird, Paddy’s Day–themed sequel to Mad Max or Tank Girl. Most enjoy having their photos taken, except when they’re leaned over vomiting on the sidewalk. By nightfall most tourists are passed out, and only the strongest are still going hard. The next day is gross. Trash and vomit riddle the streets. Pollen has covered every car and street sign, and the tourists who are still awake are stumbling around, trying to find a cold beer to stave off the inevitable hangover. This year I attempted to capture the chaos as best I could.

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders

Carson Sanders