
Monthly Horoscope: Pisces, October 2019

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People like to talk about how light and breezy Libra vibes are, but you know that Libra season isn’t just about peace, love, and harmony. It’s also about making difficult changes, paying debts, diving deep into intimacy, and facing your fears—especially for you, dear Pisces. October opens on an intense note as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn on October 1. You’re confronting complex issues concerning worth, values, envy, and obsession. You may decide it’s time to end a friendship and, if so, you would be wise to connect with a third party who can help mediate arguments. People’s shadows are coming to light, and the revelations that come from that can be totally amazing and transformative or destructive, depending on the maturity and preparedness of the parties involved. Watch out for manipulative behavior and firm up your boundaries. Tricky financial situations may take place and, in general, shady things may be happening around you, so keep a paper trail to protect yourself from people who try to gaslight you.

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  • The scary thing about gaslighting is that it’s not always clear when it’s happening to you. This book by a mental health expert can help you identify the manipulative and emotionally abusive people in your life and learn how to break free of them.
  • Ending a friendship can often be a stressful and emotional experience. But if you know you need to cut ties, here’s what you can do to make it as drama-free as possible for both parties.
  • Make sure you have folders to keep all your notable documents, receipts, and checks in.

Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 3, bringing a big shift to your social life. Power and control issues continue to flare up, even in spaces you thought were safe from such behavior! Still, this is a powerful time to focus on the causes you are passionate about: Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth, and transformation, and you’re able to effect amazing change in the world. Ultimately, progress will take place even though you might feel like your social life is being bulldozed over. Communication planet Mercury also enters fellow water sign Scorpio on October 3, bringing you news from faraway places. You’re eager to travel, and this is a fantastic time if you’re studying or trying to publish something!

Mars enters Libra on October 4, helping you cut off what’s no longer serving you. Mars is the planet of war, while Libra is the sign of the diplomat: You’re going to step into some difficult situations, which might include the end of some relationships, with strength as you seek compromise. Surprising news and brilliant ideas arrive as Mercury opposes genius Uranus on October 7. You may also find yourself suddenly changing your mind about something: A rebellious mood is in the air! Also on October 7, the sun clashes with Saturn, creating a heavy energy—rejection is in the air. Phases of your life are closing, and the sun’s clash with taskmaster Saturn finds you moving through some growing pains. Approaching life with as much maturity as possible is the best way to work with this energy.

  • What better pairing for your rebellious mood than a rebellious leather jacket? (Here’s a faux leather option if that’s more your style.)
  • Rituals can be nourishing for your mind, body, and soul. This book offers more than 40 practices you can try out as you work through any growing pains this month.
  • Rejection can suck, but think of it as an excuse to spend more time focusing on you! Take yourself out on a meditative hike and soak in the calming vibes around you.

Sexy, seductive Venus enters fellow water sign Scorpio on October 8, bringing a splash of good luck your way! You’re in the mood to travel and, indeed, this could be a lovely, charming time to do so. Venus opposes Uranus on October 12, which will bring unexpected news, however, and you’ll likely discover that your tastes or desires have changed. Uranus is all about surprises and the unknown, and you’re eager to experiment—you’re so bored with the same old conversations and places you always revisit! You want something fresh, and you may end a partnership at this time if it’s too boring or limiting for you.

A lucky full moon in Aries arrives on October 13, bringing a situation that’s been brewing concerning your finances to a climax. The moon in go-getter Aries will bring you the cosmic pep talk you’ve been aching for either in the form of a psychic download, or perhaps through a mentor or authority figure who will open your mind up to new possibilities and encourage you to release something that’s no longer serving you. Doing so can help you let something new in, especially as the sun connects with benefic Jupiter on this day.

Communication planet Mercury makes a helpful connection with Saturn on October 14, creating a productive atmosphere for making plans and setting agreements. The sun also clashes with Pluto on that same day, so do watch out for shady people, power struggles, and big egos. People are clinging onto control, but the harder they cling, the harder they’ll fail. It’s said that two things—death and taxes—are certain in life. Pluto happens to rule both, so the only way to work with this energy is to stay flexible, open-minded, honest, and to own your shadow.

A spiritual breakthrough arrives on October 15 as Mercury connects with your ruling planet Neptune, currently in your sign. An empathetic energy for communication flows, and this is a wonderful time to dive deep into your spiritual beliefs and practice: Go see someone inspiring speak or dive into a book about something that’s been stirring you spiritually!

  • Take this opportunity to take note of how you’re responding to these spiritual breakthroughs, inspiring talks, and compelling books. You’ll want to look back on your thoughts one day!
  • This book of essays taps into modern anxieties surrounding social media, self-presentation, and self-delusion.
  • Here’s some more reading material on how you can focus on your breath to help you tackle your everyday anxieties.

Juicy information arrives as Mercury connects with Pluto on October 19. This is also a powerful moment in your social life as you form deep bonds and talk about intense topics with others. Venus connects with Saturn on October 20, encouraging a helpful energy for planning commitments and for your social life—a much needed respite after this month’s earlier dramas! You’re learning who you can rely on and having a whimsically romantic time as Venus connects with your ruling planet Neptune on October 21! This is likely one of the dreamiest and most fun days of the month for you; it’ll be lovely for adventuring, your love life, and engaging your creative side.

Scorpio season begins on October 23! New opportunities arrive as you emerge from the transformative portal that was Libra season. Venus connects with Pluto on October 25, creating a powerful energy for connection. Deep bonds are forming again and you’re learning a great deal about what’s important to the people in your life. Obstacles are reached on October 27 as Mars clashes with Saturn, finding you reaching your limit of what you can tolerate in your friendships. You’re also hitting a roadblock in intimacy, but it’s a great time to reflect on and set boundaries. October 27 also brings the new moon in Scorpio, which marks the beginning of a new cycle in your life for traveling and learning. Mars and Saturn’s clash is all about limitations, but the new moon reminds you that these blocks are necessary and won’t hinder your growth. In fact, they will only help it!

More surprises arrive on October 28 as the sun opposes Uranus. A eureka moment takes place, but a goodbye conversation may also happen. You might ditch an idea that no longer inspires you or find that you need to do a 180 on an opinion you’ve held. Mercury meets Venus on October 30, making it a fantastic time to socialize, meet people, and explore the world, but Mercury retrograde begins the next day on October 31. Many of the conversations and decisions you’ve made this month will be revisited, reconsidered, and revised in November, thanks to the retrograde. This is an especially tricky retrograde if you’re traveling, so watch out for delays and miscommunications! Avoid making expensive purchases or signing contracts. That said, this Mercury retrograde may bring you some joy as you’re revisiting old places and reconnecting with friends who live far away. Good luck this month, Pisces, and see you in November!