
The Golden Age Is A Gorgeous Golden Journey

Architect Paul D. Nicholls has just released a stunning animated concept video called The Golden Age: The Simulation, the first in a two part series of visualizations of what he calls an “artificial intelligence within a simulated architecture.” The gorgeous one-shot journey captures the process of abstract elements as they are constructed into larger golden structures. The gold matter then liquefies before disintegrating into darkness. Its soothing ambient soundtrack gives the video an ephemeral, dreamlike quality that perfectly accompanies the lush, brilliant visuals.

Nicholls describes the purpose video as such:

Videos by VICE

THE GOLDEN AGE is a film which speculates on artificial intelligence within a simulated architecture. It is concerned with technology, synthetic programmed spaces, and the temporality of our immediate conceived environment, physical or otherwise.

It is part of a wider project which looks at a ‘downloaded’ architecture, radically changing the consumerist lifestyle we are all used to.

While we are altogether slightly befuddled by what exactly “downloaded architecture” might mean, we can’t help but be blown away by the beauty Nicholls has encapsulated in his rendering of it. We’re looking forward to seeing how his concept evolves and hope the next installment in the video series is a little less puzzling. In the meantime, watch the video below, a true feast for the eyes.