
Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, December 2021

Welcome to Sagittarius season, dear Taurus!
Sagittarius and Capricorn
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in Sagittarius finds you focused on money, especially issues like debts, taxes, inheritances, and resources you share with your partners. You’re all about stability and security, dear Taurus, so you’re often very organized when it comes to finances—but things can get complicated when someone else is involved! Sagittarius season is a time for you and your partners, in love or business, to sort out financial concerns. 


Neptune ends its retrograde in Pisces on December 1, activating the friendship sector of your chart. You might connect with some especially creative or inspiring people, but you may also find yourself feeling confused about where you fit in. Take it slow; the best way to work with this energy is to wander and explore, not rushing to making decisions or commitments.

The solar eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on December 4, which can bring a heavy, emotional atmosphere, especially when it comes to leaving the past behind. Astrologers sometimes call you stubborn, Taurus: If you’re nurturing any grudges or refusing to let go of something, this eclipse might really rock your world! It’s time to move on. Sagittarius is a free-spirited, courageous fire sign, and this eclipse encourages you to move forward boldly. This is a great time to settle a debt or offer or accept an apology. You may find yourself approaching your relationships in a new way, especially concerning money or other resources you share.

A powerful day in your relationships arrives on December 6 as Mars in your opposite sign Scorpio connects with Pluto in Capricorn. Deep conversations about passion, power, and desire take place. Your partners may be especially forward or proactive at this time. Just watch out for misunderstandings as Mercury in Sagittarius squares off with Neptune on December 7. Take it slow with communication, and keep your plans flexible. The mood may be a touch lazy, but our energy returns as Mars squares off with Jupiter in Aquarius on December 8. A big push toward a goal can take place, especially in your relationships.


December 11 finds Venus and Pluto meeting in Capricorn, and you’re feeling philosophical about love, beauty, and money, as well as jealousy and greed. A deep conversation about these themes takes place, especially as Mercury and Jupiter also connect on December 11. People might feel especially sensitive as the sun squares off with Neptune on December 12: Kindness goes a long way at this time, and it’s also crucial to get clear on your boundaries, and set limits with people who have unrealistic expectations of you.

December 13 finds Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury entering Capricorn: Mars in Sagittarius may energize you to pay off debts, deal with tax issues, or tackle other financial concerns. Emotionally, Mars in Sagittarius is helping you cut ties with the past. Communication planet Mercury in Capricorn could find you connecting with people abroad, making travel plans, focusing on school, or even publishing something! This is an intellectually active time for you, Taurus; you’re in an inquisitive mood, eager to explore the world. 

A financial situation may come to a climax on December 18 thanks to the full moon in Gemini. Gemini is a logical, detail-oriented air sign, and this full moon urges you to get clear on the details of your finances. Do you keep a budget? Are you aware of what goes in and out of your bank account? You may be asking for a raise at this time or selling a valuable item. On a more emotional level, this full moon asks you to get clear on what you need in order to feel comfortable and secure. 


Your ruling planet Venus begins its retrograde in Capricorn on December 19, finding you reconsidering what’s truly important to you. You may be in a much more serious mood, and it’s especially important that you and your partners are intellectually aligned. Any theories your partner shares that don’t align with your worldview could be especially unsettling at this time, and your patience may be thin. You might also be eager to travel at this time, thinking about how to achieve flexibility to go where you want, when you want. You might also be thinking about going back to school or reflecting on your educational values. Also on December 19, the sun connects with Jupiter, inspiring an open-hearted, generous atmosphere that bodes especially well for your reputation.

An exciting idea reinvigorates you on December 20 as Mercury connects with wildcard Uranus, which is currently in your sign. You’re in an especially experimental mood! Capricorn season begins December 21, finding you eager to try new things and go to new places. Saturn squares off with Uranus on December 24 for the third and final time this year, until 2043! A major shift to your career approach may be taking place. A new career path could unfold, or you might be upgrading your technology.

Venus retrograde meets Pluto on December 25, finding you deeply reflecting on your truest desires and fantasies. Mercury connects with Neptune on December 26, which could find you meeting inspiring people, and your social circle expands in an exciting way as Jupiter enters Pisces on December 28. You’re feeling especially hopeful, and it’s a lovely time to reflect on all you’ve accomplished, and all you hope to do!

Mercury meets Venus retrograde and Mars connects with Saturn on December 29, bringing deep conversations and a proactive energy. You’re reflecting on your responsibilities and thinking about how to make the most of the tools at your disposal. Mercury and Pluto meet on December 30, which could bring especially valuable information your way! Intriguing news from afar may land in your inbox.

Good luck this month, Taurus, and see you in 2022!