
Monthly Horoscope: Gemini, August 2023


The sun in Leo lights up the communication sector of your chart, making this a busy time of year for connection, especially during August 1’s full moon in Aquarius! A conversation that has been building may come to a climax. Information could come to light! A new perspective might change your point of view. A communication breakthrough could take place. A scholastic achievement might be won, and travel may be highlighted.  

Also on August 1, Mars in Virgo connects with Jupiter in Taurus and your ruling planet Mercury, now in Virgo, opposes Saturn in Pisces. Mars’s alignment with Jupiter suggests you’re entering a period of great expansion, one where you’re confidently and graciously cutting ties with what no longer serves you. Big changes could take place at home, too. Things may not move as quickly as you would like, though, as Mercury’s opposition to Saturn can signal delays or having a lot of things to organize before moving. Patience is key!

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Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow in Virgo on August 3. The pre-retrograde shadow period is regarded as a time of foreshadowing by astrologers, so the plans and discussions that take place between now and when the retrograde begins on August 23 may be revisited during that time! For Geminis, themes concerning home and family life are highlighted.

A brilliant emotional breakthrough takes place as the sun squares off with Jupiter on August 6. A revelation could come to you in a dream or while you meditate. Venus retrograde in Leo squares off with Uranus in Taurus on August 9, perhaps bringing surprising news or a realization about what’s truly meaningful for you. Your ruling planet Mercury in Virgo aligns with Jupiter on August 9, which can bode well for communication, especially with family and loved ones.

The sun meets Venus retrograde on August 13, marking the start of a new chapter in your life, Gemini, especially in regard to communication. Venus retrograde in Leo asks us all to become clear about what’s truly important to us and connect with who we are at our core. You may be reconnecting with yourself in a powerful way, and as a result, sharing a message that makes a huge impact on your life and relationships.  

The sun squares off with Uranus on August 15, which could bring surprising information. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, so shake-ups are possible! This could also be a great opportunity to break out of a pattern you no longer want to participate in.

A new moon in Leo takes place on August 16, which like the sun’s meeting with Venus retrograde, suggests the start of a new chapter. New moons are all about new beginnings! A new conversation could begin, a new approach to communication may be embraced. Your local neighborhood and everyday environment can also see some change, which can feel reinvigorating for you! Mars mingles with wildcard Uranus during this new moon, inspiring confidence in the face of the unknown, and perhaps bringing an unexpected emotional breakthrough. A big change you make could result in a powerful emotional release.

Venus retrograde squares off with Jupiter and Mars opposes Neptune in Pisces on August 22, which could make for a complicated atmosphere. Big proposals and grand gestures could be made, but people are prone to exaggeration and gossip as Venus squares off with Jupiter. Adding to this, Mars’s opposition to Neptune inspires laziness, shadiness, and passive aggression. Be aware that people could be all talk and no action at this time. The best way to work with this energy is to spend time with people you trust. Spend time with people who don’t indulge in rumors or negativity. Spend time making and enjoying art. 

Your focus shifts to your home and family life as the sun enters Virgo on August 23, and you could be reconnecting with the past in a significant way as Mercury begins its retrograde in Virgo on this day! You may revisit a childhood home or some other place with deep meaning for you. Practically speaking, this Mercury retrograde can find you redoing paperwork concerning your living situation, or rethinking a renovation or plan to relocate. Something about your home life could be reworked. You might find something in your home that you lost long ago…but, you might also be a bit forgetful, so be mindful about keeping things in their proper place! You might find your TV remote in the refrigerator if you’re not careful!

Mercury retrograde is famous for miscommunications and delays, but it’s a great time to simply slow down and rest, and if you feel the need to be busy, you can pick up a project that previously had to be set aside. Maybe now you’ll finally have time to repaint your room. This Mercury retrograde could also find you reconnecting with family members or people from your past. Mercury retrograde ends on September 15, and the post-retrograde shadow ends on September 30: During this time, the conversations and plans that were delayed or reworked during the retrograde begin to move forward!

Mars aligns with Pluto in Capricorn on August 24, marking a tremendous period of release in your life. You might be settling a debt, or offering or accepting an apology and moving forward with your life. Something that’s been bugging you might start to make some sense and be dealt with appropriately.

The sun opposes Saturn on August 27, which could find you setting important boundaries between your public and personal lives. Perhaps you’ll decide not to post certain types of content, or maybe you’ll set boundaries with family who want to dictate your life’s work. Your work-life balance is a theme at this time. This period might be a frustrating one for anyone who has been slacking on their responsibilities, and a rewarding time for those who have stayed on top of their duties. 

Also on August 27, Mars enters fellow air sign Libra, revving up the sector of your chart that rules romance and creativity! This could be an especially exciting opportunity to connect with a crush or a lover. A burst of creative inspiration may arise and you can make great strides with a creative project. You’ll also have plenty of energy (and opportunities) to party!

Uranus retrograde begins in Taurus on August 28, which can find you in a restless mood! You may have some unusual dreams and or find inspiration in unexpected places. Surprising feelings pop up, so take time to sit with what arises. This is a powerful moment for reconnecting with your inner voice. A surprising secret could be shared.

August 30 brings the full moon in Pisces. This is the second full moon of the month, making it a blue moon. Pisces is all about creativity, intuition, and emotional depth, so this a powerful full moon for connection and self expression. This full moon marks a period of great emotional release. For you, Gemini, it also marks a moment of accomplishment, perhaps in your career or a goal that’s meaningful in regard to the legacy you want to leave behind. A lot of attention for your talents could come your way, and this is a fruitful time to show off your hard work.

Good luck this month, Gemini, and see you in September!