
Some Guy Asked the Cops to Send a Drug Dog to Find His Missing Heroin

It’s apparently been a wild year for Joseph Murphy. The Ohio man kicked off 2017 by getting arrested outside Disney World on New Year’s Day and allegedly pissing on a police officer’s leg. He then slammed his Mercedes into a sign near his hometown before blowing a .121 blood alcohol content. Now, Murphy’s racked up yet another run-in with the cops by dialing 911 to ask his local police department if they could help him track his stolen heroin, a Cleveland ABC affiliate reports.

According to the 911 call, Murphy apparently thought he could just phone up the police and order a drug-sniffing dog from the canine unit. A police officer working at the local Bath Township police department told News 5 Cleveland that it was “the most bizarre” call he’s heard in his 41 years on the job.

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“You need a police dog?” the dispatcher asked. “What’s going on there?”

“She stole heroin from me,” Murphy replied.

Though understandably confused about a) who “she” might be and b) why Murphy specifically requested a police dog, the local police figured the whole heroin thing merited a trip over to Murphy’s place. By the time the cops arrived, he’d apparently realized that telling a police officer you had heroin on you probably isn’t the best idea. So Murphy changed up his story—claiming some woman actually stole his money, not his drugs.

But that story didn’t fool the cops, because a few minutes later, Murphy reportedly reached into his pants and pulled out a “brown waxy substance,” which authorities presumed to be drugs. The cops then threw him in a squad car and took him to the station, where they fingerprinted and booked him before letting him head home. 

According to police, he’s now looking at facing a felony drug charge.

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